Need to have a stronger workers union

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM133396029

Article: Tesla denies Autopilot workers' allegations of union-busting, retaliatory firings

Summary and Key Points

Tesla laid off more than thirty employees at its facility in Buffalo. This action was in retaliation to a union push according to the complaint filed at the National Labor Relations Board. A union campaign called Gigafactory was launched by the Tesla Workers United at the company facility. Later on Thursday last week, the company responded to the allegations labeling them as lies. They also went ahead and claimed that 4% of the autopilot data labeling team located at the Buffalo facility had been caused by poor management (Kolodny, 2023). This however saw more than a dozen of employees at the facility being fired after being accused of sighting other workers.

In a complaint that was presented to the National Labor Relations Board, the workers' organization, Workers United, said the company had fired more than thirty workers from the autopilot unit at Buffalo. The action was seen to be a result of the Union activities seen recently. However, the union urged the National Labor Relations Board to give them injunctive relief. The relief was to help them in preventing irreparable destruction of the rights enjoyed by the employees which may result from the unlawful conduct practiced by Tesla. In the last week, the employees at the Buffalo plant decided to launch organizing efforts under the Union Tesla Workers United. The workers went ahead and said that they are looking for a voice in the workplace and at the same time better pay and job security.

In the last year only, Tesla was seen to lay off more than 200 employees who worked in the autopilot office in San Mateo California. In hiring the same workers in Buffalo, the company was able to avoid paying a penalty in the state of New York and at the same time create high-tech jobs in Buffalo. On Wednesday evening, the workers received an email which was laying out new policies that prohibited them from recording meetings in the workplace without the participant's permission. According to the worker's union, the policy was seen to violate labor laws at the same time ignoring the New York State's law to record conversations.

Elon Musk, who is a Tesla CEO, has in one time clashed with the Union's proponents for years. A good example is in 2017 when Tesla fired a Union activist known as Richard Ortiz claiming that he had violated federal labor laws. After some time, the National Labor Relations Board gave an order to Tesla to reinstate Ortiz and have the CEO delete his tweet which had threatened the compensation of workers. However, Tesla has since appealed the ruling and Musk is yet to delete his tweet. Later in the past week, Tesla gave a response to the allegations laid down by the workers on their rights in a statement titled "In Response to False Allegations".

In regards to the termination of the autopilot group, the company said that the policy only affected about 4% of the team and it was part of the restructuring happening at the company which started on Feb 12. The company also stated that they had started the restructuring even before the union had announced their protests. They also presented the data that showed the growth of the number of employees at the Buffalo branch ever since the autopilot unit was established.


Do unions engage in ethical behavior? Explain

In the past, there was a period when the American labor movement was inspired by a noble and revolutionary idea whose main aim was to get the workers out of wage slavery. The main ideas surrounding labor unions were inspired by a vision of free cooperative initiatives involving both employers and their employees. In recent days, we have seen the labor movement still working to protect the worker's interests making sure they have the best working environment and at the same time favorable wages.

Historically, what factors precipitated the formation of unions? Explain.

In the past, labor unions were created to help workers with work-related difficulties including low wages, unsafe or unclean working conditions, long hours, and other welfare issues. There was always a problem arising between workers and their bosses due to their membership in unions. The main reason why the workers participated in the unions is to get protection from their bosses who in most cases were accused of exploitation and discrimination. The union movements helped in taking care of the complaints raised by the workers by initiating court proceedings or mass actions.

Do you expect union activity to increase or decrease globally? Explain.

In recent days, unions have become more powerful and more involved in the workers' welfare by dealing directly with employers. The unions have also been involved in making crucial decisions affecting the workers either by the government or employees. Some Unions have even been involved in the crafting of laws that play a big role in taking care of the worker's needs and influencing a nation's legislation. These are just a few examples that show how important Unions can be hence an increase in their activities globally.


Unions have been regarded in the recent days a safe haven for the workers globally. There have even efforts to bring the entire worker's union under one roof in order to come up with the perfect laws that can help in protecting the workers. By having a large number of workers registering with the unions, this can make them even more powerful and be able to have a say in matters politics and implementation of the laws that directly affect the workers. This is why I see the need to have a stronger workers union which at the end will protect each worker from exploitation and other work related issues.

Reference no: EM133396029

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