Need help building a vwd website

Assignment Help Visual Basic Programming
Reference no: EM134983

Need help building a VWD website. This website may not go live. I have little progress as a family tragedy has impeded my time for school. unluckily, I am too far behind to finish in time at this point. This is my last course. I was attempting to prepare a mock BentoToGo website for a catering service that would serve Bento boxes. My last assignment which I am now delinquent on was as follows: Prepare a database function as part of your project. Your solution should include at least one database and one data control. Your application should retrieve data from the database and show it in one of the pages that you select. Upload the whole solution in the form of a zip file

It needs to include an "About" page, "Login" page, "Menu" page and "Feedback" page. I will supply the information needed for the pages.

Reference no: EM134983

Questions Cloud

Timer interrupt to coordinate peripherals on microcontroller : The timer interrupts to coordinate peripherals on the microcontroller. Use code from prior labs to drive the peripherals and will make minor modifications to use the interrupts.
Evaluate the depreciation on the building : Evaluate the depreciation and what was Happe's Interest Expense on the bond during fiscal year 2012? What was Andersen Telecom's depreciation expense for tax purposes in fiscal year 2012?
Example on total quality management : Total Quality Management is a organization philosophy, thus as we had seen at the beginning of the module leadership needs to be considered when deploying TQM in an organisation, particularly as the model advises a top-down approach.
Proposed bqsr program : The proposed BQSR program was authorized by the Highways Agency Management Board and was due for completion.
Need help building a vwd website : Need help building a VWD website. This website may not go live. I have little progress as a family tragedy has impeded my time for school.
Write your incident report and recommendations : Describe the actions you would take to address this incident record actions as a log, [Date/time / decision / action/ made by / actioned by / additional notes].
Example on total quality management : In one of the last posts of this class, I may attempt to summaries in a few words the ideas we have seen, trying to boil down TQM and see that once boiled down, the idea can be applied to anything.
How culture impacted organization with due to benchmarking : The discussion on areas that can hamper the effectual use of benchmarking. How has culture impacted your organization with regard to benchmarking?
Explain about effect analysis : There is an interesting article connecting cause and hazardous waste and effect analysis. The authors have used Effect Analysis to successfully enhance disposal of hazardous waste in a hospital.


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