Reference no: EM13479248
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Negotiation & Trade is a valuable course. It shows how important is the negotiation.Also, it adds value to students to know the principles and skills of negotiation and making a deal. My professor Dr. HabibChamoun was teaching this course and I realized and learned a lot about skills of negotiation and dealing. The course has several method one of them is "simulation". The main idea of the simulation is represent country and making deal. On the other words, every student in the class represents one of the EU countries. As a real life, these countries "students" should debate and discus some of the real issues then negotiate between them in order to make a good deal. For, example, I was represented Germany, I offered to build manufactories in EU countries and I made a deal with Estonia. It was a good negotiation and helpful. In order to make a deal that will help the country that I represented; I had to make a position paper, which included some of my countries issues and some of international issues. Therefore, I was able to make a good deal for mu country regarding to its position. In my opinion, the simulation was really value to our knowledge. It also helped the students to apply their skills in negotiation and making deal. Moreover, through the simulation I submitted some of my proposals to EU members that means I read a lot about Germany before I submitted these proposals. In conclusion, the simulation support our knowledge as the following points:
1. Position Paper: Before we started using the simulation, we had to make the position paper of the country that I would represent that means we read a lot about the countries. The simulation directed the students to have some information about EU countries.
2. Strategies of negotiation:strategies of negotiation are focusing in how we can achieve our goals through negotiation. We had to make the strategy plan of our proposals. Therefore, simulation was supported us to know how we can create these strategies. However, there are two kinds of strategies, which are collaborative and competitive strategies. Strategy paper includes several points such as selecting ofnon-negotiation area and what are the strengths of the country.
3. Proposal paper:The proposals aredriving to reach the strategies of negotiation. Based on position and strategies paper, I can make the proposals. On the other words, the proposals must be regarding to the strategies and positions. The keys of making good proposals that the long vision that could help country to reach their goals.
These were the main factors of the simulation. It makes the class more effective and increases our communication. Moreover, the students were able to communicate any time and that helpful because we can make a message as much as we want. In conclusion Without doubt, the simulation was really valuable to our knowledge,also it supports the students to apply what they learned in the course.
By the end of the simulation, my classmates made more than 29 conferences. The conference means that where can the countries make a deal and negotiation. On the other words, if Germany was interested with any of other countries' proposals, Germany will request a private conference with the other country. The conference lookslike a real meeting. Moreover, the conferences could be between more than two countries as the UK did in the proposal of the Red-Card system.
1. Conferences made by Germany:
• Germany with Estonia, Free Land:Estonia was proposed that it would be willing to give any country a free land to build manufactories. Germany was proposed to build some manufactories in other country. As a result, Germany requested a private conference with Estonia to negotiate and make a deal. Before the conference started I read a lot about Estonia and its economy. When the conference was started, Estonia's representative was trying to win by ordering more than 10 billion as a total amount of investing; however, I did not accept that. I have some details that Estonia GDP was 56 billion so I cannot make investment in Estonia more than 3 Billion which is %6 of its GDP. After negotiate some other factors such as number of employees and the area of the manufactories and also I asked about the system of transferring money outside of Estonia, I made a deal. The deal was win-win for both of countries. The total amount of investment was 3 billion and the area was 10 millionsq. feet. Also, the system of transferring money was suitable for both sides. As a result, we made a good deal.
• Germany with Austria, Agriculture agreement:Germany and Austria are neighbors. Also, most of Austrian people speak German language. Further, Austria was proposed that it has high-level of agriculture. Therefore, I request a private conference with Austria. We negotiate and we made a good deal. One of the terms of our deal was exchange our experiences and product. Austria was really easy to make dal with.
• Germany with Bulgaria, Need assistance:Bulgaria is one of the EU's members. Bulgaria was proposed some assistance from Germany. As I mentioned in my position, Germany was face several dilemmas and problem such as growth rate and decrease of export. Therefore, we were not able to assist any country without any benefit Germany. Bulgaria proposed something that was not negotiable. Germany tries to understand Bulgaria that Germany will not be willing to assist without benefit for Germany.
2. Conferences made by other countries:
• Conference of Red-Card system: this conference was made by the UK'srepresented. The UK treated this conference to Germany, Bulgaria, Italy and Spain.I was representedGermany and I had a private chat with UK. My position was against this Red-Card system. The UK was trying to gain my vote but I rejected. The reason of that was, Red-Card was not necessary. There is a yellow-Card, which I believe it is better than Red-Card system. In conclusion, none of the EU's member was accepted this system.
Brief of Chapters:
• As we see it: In this chapter the reader can realize that the culture could affect the negotiation method. Cross-cultural negotiation in the ethnological sense is a fascinating engagement. Without doubt cultural affect the people's negotiation. Cross-cultural negotiation basics are necessary to the people who work in international level. In this chapter there are some stories that happened in China. They show the readers what is the style of negotiation in China. One of these stories was happened with our professor, Dr. Habib. He said, "My first experience negotiating in a Beijing market was very frustrating. Almost every store at the Beijing Night Market displayed a sign in Chinese and English that read, "No Bargaining." Dr. Habib shows that in China people are different. He tried to negotiate with some sales person but he could not, the sales person said, "if you do not buy this is you problem." In conclusion, culture affects the negotiation.
• The Psychology of Giving and Its Effect on Negotiation:In this chapter authorsshow what the relationship between the principles of giving and the negotiation. Without doubt the psychology of giving affects the negotiation. Moreover, In the chapter there is a little result that illustrate that the Phoenician negotiation was used this principle and concept. Also, in this chapter, author explains the concept of Tradables and describes how to create and evaluate them. Giving is necessary to make a good environment to negotiate. Giving is making a good feeling for both side of negotiation. Also, the one who are willing to be a giver, he or she will lead the negotiation. Further in the chapter, authors defined the term of tradables which means a set of ideas or actions that help leverage a deal without being a part of the deal or Products and services that satisfy customer needs outside our own product line that are not in competition with our offerings.Basically means "able to trade" or "bringing trading capacity." In conclusion. The chapter goes over several topics that related to giving and tradeables. It shows some concept and principle that tradeables and psychology of giving are totally deferent.
• Assessing Negotiation Competitions: this chapter explains the objective and assumption of negotiation competition. Also, it showssome factors that the students should learn to be able to make a win-negotiation. The factors in this chapter should be awareness by the students. These factors should be considered such as what to evaluate, the outcome of negotiation, skills of negotiation, ethical standard, manage conflict and some other factors. Furthermore, self-analysis is important to make a good deal. In general, this chapter illustrates how to make a win negotiation by learn some necessary skills.
• Bringing the Street to the Classroom and the Student to the Street: Guided Forays intoStreet-wise Negotiations:This chapter must be read by a professor who is going to teach negotiation. Dr. Habib and his friend show in this chapter how student can be more knowledgeable and how to negotiate in a real life. It talks about how to apply the materials and concept that be taken in the class. Also, It illustrate that students have to practice and apply what they learned in the classroom. In contrast, professors can bring a real negotiation into the classroom. In conclusion, the course of negotiation will not be value unless there are practices and negotiate as a real life.
• Negotiation and Professional Boxing: This chapter started with a brief story about Boxing negotiation then it connected to the principle of negotiation. After that, it shows five-category scheme for classifying negotiation style, yielding the primaryinteraction styles: competing, collaborating, compromising, avoiding, and accommodating. Also, it explains each of these five categories such as compromising-judge Like Solomon. Moreover, It has several cases that show these five categories and how to negotiate with someone who like this. In conclusion, It illustrates how the sport negotiation is and how to work with it.
• Bazaar Dynamics: Teaching Integrative Negotiation Within a Distributive Environment:I enjoyed with the stories in this chapter. Basiclly, this chapter talks about the relationship before and after negotiation. The relationship level is very important to make a deal. I remembered in the class Dr. Habib explained that the relationship between two sides is important and also affect the negotiation. It makes the both sides comfortable to negotiate and deal. Further, in the chapter there are several parts that talking about how to build the relationship in order to negotiate comfortably. Furthermore, it explains the integrative negotiation and how negotiation be win-win for both sides. In conclusion, this chapter is really valuable.
• Should We Trust Grand Bazaar Carpet Sellers (and vice versa)?In this chapter authors continue analysis and explain the principles and concept while they were negotiating with the Bazzar. Also, it explains how to trust each other. In first time of negotiation each side will not trust the ther side; however, they will after several meeting and after knowing each other more. On the other words, at first, bothe sides do not know the each other which means that there is no relationship between them. But after make several meeting their relation will be better than the first time. When they make good relation they will trust each other; however, this will not work in all type of negotiation. In conclusion, Authors shows in this chapter their experience in Istanbul. They had a negotiation with the Bazzar and they explain how they used the concept of relationship and trusting in negotiation.
In this course I learned a lot of concept and principles about negotiation. Dr. Habib tout us a lot of thing of his experience. Moreover, we had a good examples looks like real life-negotiation. Also, we learned many things by using cases study and multimedia learning. Further, we had a simulation which was really support the students to negotiate and deal. I believe that this course is necessary to MBA students. It shows and explains how to negotiate and make a win-win deal.
I enjoyed in this course. I learned a lot of concept in negotiation. My knowledge was increased by taking this course especially with Dr. Habib. Dr. Habib has a good experience in negotiation. He was able to teach us with clearly method. He gives us a lot of exambles from his experience and his life. He was helping us and he look like our big brother.