Reference no: EM131368436 , Length: 3000 Words
Involves writing a social marketing report on any specific issue for Children Nutrition. need to write a total of 2,500 words (approx.) report. 10% over or below is acceptable. The written workwill consist of two sections (Part A:1000 words and B: 1500 words), where in part A you have to frame a literature review:
You literature review will demonstrates that you know the issue very well. This means more than reading the existing literatures. Instead, you need to read it critically and to write to make a link or find relevance to your work. You can focus on defining the research problem here (e.g.anaemia or impaired sight). Use/cite existing works to justify the reason for your research. Try to show that what is neglected. All these will allow you to map the field and position your research within the context.This will also allow you to identify the gap and you have also to be able to convince your reader that what you are proposing is important and needs to be done. You also need to cite minimum five journal articles here to focus fully understanding the issue and further work on that particular issue. The marking guide for Part A is:
1. Define the research problem and background of the problem
2. Supporting literatures' analysis, justification of the knowledge gap and future work
3. Conclusion, Writing skills and Reference
FAQ: (Part A- literature review)
1. What type of journals I can address to frame my literature review?
Answer: There are various different types of Social Marketing and Public Health journals, which normally publish numerous conceptual and empirical works on child nutrition and related issues. Some examples of useful journal articles for this project are given below. However, please do not treat these journals as a simple 'check-list', we expect that you look beyond these sources to enhance your idea on the literature review:
1. Social Marketing
2. Social Marketing Quarterly
3. Journal of Non-profit and public sector marketing
4. Journal of Social Marketing information
5. Journal of Marketing
6. Journal of Public Health: Oxford
7. Journal of Child Health Care
8. Lifescience Global
9. Health Marketing Quarterly
10. Journal of Management & Marketing in Healthcare
2. Do I need to use the idea that I have established in the literature review in part B of my report?
Answer: Yes, the issue you are talking/establishing in your literature review, needs further development in Part B where you will show how the step by step work of a marketing plan can help to stop disseminating the problem/issue (i.e. change target audiences' behaviour towards unhealthy foods or offer a healthy food behaviour or healthy food product itself) (e.g.GrameenDanone is working on a social marketing program for Children Nutrition issue in Bangladesh).
In Part B: you need to write a Social Marketing Plan. Your goal is to develop and provide recommendations on how a social marketing approach should be developed and managed to address your specific identified social issue or problem on children nutrition. You need to focus on the following points:
- Identification and analysis of the social marketing problem / issue: Why Social Marketing is necessary here? (e.g. prevalence of the issue, expected fit with your social marketing objectives, available firm resources, etc.)
- Analysis of the social marketing environment, upstream and policy issues
- Choice of appropriate theories for application to this problem / issue or context with justification: (e.g. which theory helps to clarify the target segments' behaviour or which theory you can use to help them to change their behaviour. While you are dealing with the theory make sure it is appropriate with your target segment: children/parents/school teachers/policy makers etc.)
- Development of the social marketing planning process - identification of target marketing and segmentation (i.e. how many different segments do you target/ how do you position the idea/products); developing branding and the marketing mix - focus on key aspects;
- Recommendations for implementing andevaluating the social marketing approach.
1. Identification and analysis of the social marketing problem / issue
2. Analysis of the social marketing environment, upstream and policy issues
3. Choice of appropriate theories for application
4. Development of the social marketing planning process
5. Recommendations for implementing and evaluating the social marketing approach. References.
FAQ: (Part B- social marketing plan and overall report)
3. Do we need to use reference for Part B?
Answer: Yes, you need to use minimum five references here and for both sections please use Harvard Referencing style. It is important that all material you present for assessment is referenced correctly. Material that has not been referenced correctly may be considered to be plagiarised, and as such may be penalised.
4.What do we need to use in the cover page?
Answer: Please include a cover page that states: Subject Code and Name, Student Number and Full Name Tutorial Day/Time, Tutor's Name.
5. When do we need to submit it and to whom?
Answer: You need to submit it electronically via the Assignment Tool (LMS) on May 15, 5pm. There will be active link under your tutors name and you have to submit the assignment to your specific tutor's link.
6. Can we see a sample of a social marketing plan?
Answer: Yes, one sample copy of last year assignment is already uploaded to LMS.
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