Reference no: EM13373951 , Length: 1085 words
Step 1: Objective
Using the Self-Assessment Library, This paper examines the weakness and strength of my personality. The aim of present research is how my personality fit in organization and any require improvement to be a better employee. "Once you understand more of who you are as a person, you will be better equipped to understand how you interact with other unique human beings" (Fischer pg.1)
Step1, What about me Personality test
The self-assessment library test indicate my basic personality, as result I found myself high score on agreeableness and emotional stability. Many researchers believe that personality can be change throughout age, social transitions, events and environmental factors. I also believe that my personality has been change and still developing process. Throughout my life there were few major events which cause changing on personality and mad who I am today. During my teenage, when I first immigrate to U.S, found out my father has back surgery and couldn't walk for two years. My value has been change from happiness, wealth, self-respect to healthy, security and friendships. When I was in Military, Marine Corps boot camp training and many over sea deploy experiences allow me to build strong agreeableness and emotional stability. The friend become a family, able to trust and rely on each other
Working with other
As small business owner, most problems we face are trusting employee. The trusting issues such as being on time, not still money or inventory and least require moral ethical behavior (drug or drunk during working hours). During the first year of owning small deli business, I have to fire eleven employee and most reason was stilling cash or inventory. Because many small business deal with cash business and employees have easy excess to cash register. The Self-Assessment Library test result indicate that I have high faith in people, but as small business owner I always careful what I trust. "Trust is a primary attribute associated with leadership; and when this trust is broken, it can have serious adverse effects on a group's performance" (Stephan P. Robbins pg424)
Life in organizations
Types of organization structure I prefer that organization have organic structure. According to Stephen P. Robbins "This model looks a lot like the boundaryless organization. It's flat, uses cross-hierarchical and cross-functional teams, has low formalization possesses a comprehensive information network and relies on participative decision making" (pg.534) It is important that company need to choose right organization structure. Because, having adequate organization structure will help management to achieve company's goal. I prefer that employee have citizenship, able to make adjustment throughout communication by doing so it will increase the employee's motivation and work efficiency.
In general, what have you learned about organizational behavior from these personality tests that will help you be a better employee, co-worker, and manager?
I learn about organizational behavior from personality test is importance of teamwork in organization behavior. In today's business organization that order to succeed, the teamwork is very important aspect. "Teamwork enables employees of all skills and ages to have an important role to play in organization, and it is an important aspect of maintaining the self-sustainability of organizational performance" (Banutu-Gomez, 2011) I believe good teamwork is employee work as team, interact with positive influence each other and coordinate their work to accomplish an organization success rather than individual interest.
In particular, what have you learned about yourself that from this personality test that will help you be a better employee, co-worker, and manager?
I learn about myself from his personality test is strength and weakness of my personality. The Jungian 16 type personality test results are ENFJ, extraversion, intuition, feeling and judging. "NF's their strengths include their ability to persuade and corporate. These are the team builders. Their weaknesses include an over personalization of organizational problems and their tendency to carry grudges" (Otto Kroeger, Janet M, Thuesen pg.297) When it comes to work, I am very organized, work hard at maintaining structure, very corporative with my co-workers, self-confidence to take charge a group or became a leader. In the other hand, my weakness is attention on detail, getting too involve other's problems, find myself hard to detaches and stop worrying. Throughout personality test, once more I understand my strength and weakness and able to prepare to be better employee.
Step 3
The Gospel and personal reflection
According to Dr. Fischer's "The Gospel and Personal Reflection" state that "You cannot really know and understand yourself until you know who you are in Christ, and how God made you to be without the damaging affects of sin upon your unique personality" (pg.3) After the self-assessment library test, I found myself low on conscientiousness and it is my biggest weakness. I am always searching for "dream" what I want to be. Or what do I want to do rest of my life? Throughout my life, I had many jobs, mechanic, U.S marine, bar tender, cooker, business owner, voluntary worker, sales man and now I am pursuing M.S accounting degree. I pursed many goals but it is easily distracted or it is only my excuse of frailer. However, I believe God has a reason made who I am "That God in His infinite love and wisdom, made you as a unique human being with unique personality traits to serve His specific purposes for your life" (Fischer, pg2). Because of my many experience and ability, I am able to help many people. Now, I am seeing that God gave me these abilities to help much people as possible. Even in business organization, using my interpersonal build good relationship with co-workers by understand their personality and behavior.