Reference no: EM132919623 , Length: word count:2000
NBC3002 Advanced Building Surveying - Victoria University
Assessment - Presentation
Task - Take home design project (2000 words equivalent) and Oral presentation of the design project. Minimum group size 3 and maximum 6 persons.
Team design project:
Task 1 (1800 word equivalent)
As a team group you will be required to assess floor plans and a typical sectional drawing of the high rise building. In relation to topics covered under BCA Part D and Part E of the BCA . (Refer attachments A1, A2 and A3 all revision A).
Highlighted in revision clouds are non-compliances which are related to topics covered from weeks 5-8. (parts D and E)
Further to the above the design consultant team are reluctant to change any part of the design as a town planning permit has been issued for the project. You as the relevant building surveyor need to out line in a report the non compliances including in your own words the intent of each clause of non compliance this will be required to be tabled to the architect in a clear and concise report.
Task 2 - (200 word equivalent)
The building is now under construction and you will be required to explain to the builder why and when the building will require what type of fire services even though they are not seeking and occupancy permit and the building construction has only got to the Post tensioned slab completed at level 1.
Task 3 -
Oral Presentation: (2 students from each group to participate in the oral presentation) Present your assessment findings to the class of both task 1 and 2 the use of mark ups of the plans and how you achieved the findings is encouraged.
Your presentation should be presented as if you were tabling your report to the consultant design team in which case a clear and concise delivery will be required.