Reference no: EM132636639
Navigating in Google Earth: show me.
Let's start by learning to navigate within Google Earth Pro. If its not already open, launch Google Earth Pro on your computer. When you first open Google Earth, the default view should be a zoomed out view of North America show me. You can begin navigating in Google Earth in several different ways: using the search tool, by double-clicking "Placemarks", using the mouse, using the on-screen navigation buttons, and using keyboard keys (Links to an external site.)
To begin, navigate to Mount Hood in Oregon by typing "Mt. Hood summit" in the search panel and press the "Search" button . To adjust the eye altitude (i.e., the level of zoom), you can use the onscreen slider or "+" and "-" buttons, you can hold the "Shift" + "Ctrl" keys and press the up/down arrow keys, you can hold the right mouse button and move the mouse up or down, or you can scroll the mouse wheel.
Zoom to an eye altitude of approximately 30,000 ft . Your eye altitude is listed in the bottom right-hand corner of Google Earth . Now tilt the image until the eye altitude is approximately 15,000 ft., so that you have an oblique/side view of the mountain. To tilt the image, hold the "Shift" key and press the up/down arrow keys or hold the "Shift" key and hold the left mouse button while moving the mouse up or down. If you don't see a 3D view, make sure you have the Terrain layers visible with a check mark show me.
Now zoom in so that you can clearly see the mountain peak in detail. Hover the mouse pointer over the highest peak. Elevation of the location of the mouse pointer is listed near the bottom right-hand corner of Google Earth show me.
What is the approximate elevation of Mt. Hood?