Reference no: EM133102725
Response ONE
The specific socioeconomic factors that may be contributing to the patient's abdominal pain include her limited English proficiency and financial situation. She may not be able to afford adequate medical care or treatment for her condition, which could be causing her pain to worsen. Additionally, her limited English proficiency may make it difficult for her to communicate effectively with clinic staff, which could lead to delays in diagnosis and treatment.
The patient may be experiencing spiritual pain that is manifesting as physical pain. The staff should ask the patient if she is in any pain and if so, what kind of pain it is. They should also ask if she is feeling any other symptoms, such as fatigue, anxiety, or Depression. They should then try to determine what might be causing the pain. This could include stress from a recent event or from ongoing life challenges, as well as spiritual issues such as feeling lost, hopeless, or unsupported. If the staff feels that the patient could benefit from spiritual care, they should refer her to a chaplain or other member of the spiritual care team.
Based on the information provided, it is likely that the patient is experiencing a stomach ulcer. This can be caused by lifestyle factors such as smoking or drinking alcohol, as well as by stress. The patient may need to make changes to her lifestyle in order to help improve the symptoms of the ulcer. These changes could include quitting smoking and drinking, and reducing stress levels. She may also need to take medication to help treat the ulcer.
One possible cultural factor that may be impacting the patient's care is her language barrier. The first visit, the staff relied on her younger bilingual daughter to translate, which may have impacted the accuracy of the information relayed to the staff. Today, the patient presents with the same problem, but worse. It is possible that the patient is not able to communicate her symptoms accurately to the staff due to the language barrier. Additionally, it is possible that the patient's cultural beliefs or values are impacting her care. For example, the patient may believe that medicine should be taken only when symptoms are severe, which could lead to her not taking the medication prescribed to her.
There are a few specific issues that we would need to be sensitive to when interacting with this patient. First, the patient may not have regular access to medical care or may be unable to afford necessary treatment. Additionally, the patient may not have regular access to food or may be living in poverty, which can lead to malnutrition and other health problems. The patient's culture may also play a role in their health. For example, some cultures believe in traditional remedies instead of seeking medical care. Additionally, the patient's faith or religious beliefs may influence their treatment decisions. We would need to be sensitive to these cultural and socioeconomic factors when interacting with this patient.
The five targeted questions you would ask the patient to build his or her health history and to assess his or her health risks.
1. What is the nature of your abdominal pain?
2. When did the pain start?
3. Does the pain come and go, or is it constant?
4. Was the pain worse yesterday or today?
5. Have you experienced similar pain before? If so, what was the cause?
Response 2
Scenario: Paloma Hernandez, 26 year-old, Spanish speaking patient who presents to the clinic for the last 2 days in a row complaining of abdominal pain that is getting worse. The first visit the staff relied on her younger bilingual daughter to translate. She was treated with Omeprazole and encouraged to take OTC medication. Today she presents with the same problem. Her daughter states it is the same problem but worse today.
Culture reflects the whole of human behavior, including ideas and attitudes, ways to relating to one another, manners of speaking, and the material products of physical effort, ingenuity, and imagination (Ball, Dains, Flynn, Solomon & Stewart, 2019). Language is part of culture. As healthcare providers, we have to be culturally competent to administer care to our patients. culturally competent care requires that healthcare providers be sensitive to patient's heritage, sexual orientation, socioeconomic situation, ethnicity, and cultural background. As indicated in the scenario patient Hernandez is a 26 year old female with language barrier. She relies on her younger bilingual daughter to translate. Because it is impossible to learn the native language of all our patients, when language barriers arise, we must become aware of our resources and know how to effectively use interpreters. The use of medical interpreters has a positive impact on healthcare quality, but we continue to use suboptimal methods of communication such as family members. Even though the patient has a younger daughter who does the translation, she is not trained to offer this service. She is limited in her ability to explain medical terminology. Hence, introducing a certified translator will have a positive impact on the patient's quality of health. Also, patient Hernandez may have something very private that she wishes to explain to the healthcare provider, but because her daughter is present and is the translator, she may be unwilling to disclose such information. Providing her with a little of privacy without her daughters presence and having an interpreter may cause her to be more comfortable to express herself. According to Flower, Skinner, Yin, Rothman, Sanders, Delamater, & Perrin (2017), providing care in Spanish via an interpreter for Spanish -speaking parents is an essential step toward quality medical care.
It is important to note that the Spanish meet one another's eyes and look for the impact of what is being said (Ball, Dains, Flynn, Solomon & Stewart, 2019). Hence, when talking to patient Hernandez, it is very important to maintain eye contact, and express sympathy and empathy.
1. When did the pain start?
2. Where do you feel the pain (show me where it - location)
3. Is the pain constant or does it go and come?
4. Does the pain radiate to other parts of your body or does it just stay in one location?
5. On a scale of 0 to 10, "0" being the lowers and "10" being the highest pain, how would you rate your pain?
6. Did the medication (Omeprazole or any other medication) help? How often did you take the medication? Did you take any other medication?
7. What makes the pain worst or feel better?