Nature of task interdependences evident

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132822554

1. You have been recently hired by a biotechnology firm. The firm historically pursued a cost-leadership strategy with a functional structure. However, they have made a strategic decision to pursue a differentiation strategy from now on. The CEO has asked you to make a presentation to the top management team regarding how the structure of the firm needs to change to align with the change in strategy. He wants you to give at least two different options of doing it. Explain what you would include in the presentation

2. An organization's structure and its culture has a reciprocal relationship. Explain this statement in your own words with examples either from cases discussed in class or from your own work experience

3. A small group of engineers turned entrepreneurs founded a company named Mechatronics and developed a machine element that was extremely successful. As the organization grew, they hired more people to produce and market their product. They have nearly 600 employees now. The company was once innovative, but now has problems getting products to market and responding to customer queries quickly and effectively. What are some possible underlying causes for the situation? What would you recommend the founder/s they need to do to increase the effectiveness?

4. Your friends and you have decided to open a large restaurant in Ranchi. You plan to offer a complete range of food options based on time (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), cuisine (veg and non-veg, northIndian and south Indian), and delivery mode (buffet and a la carte, i.e. order separately). Analyze the level of (a) technical complexity, and (b) technical variability and task analyzability associated with the kind of tasks needed to run the restaurant. Also, comment on the nature of task interdependences evident in such an operation

5. You are the owner of a chain of stores that sells high-quality, high priced, men's and women's designer clothes. Recently, you have noticed that things are not okay. Customer satisfaction is down. Designers are not in sync with latest trends. Purchase managers are failing to spot changing fads and fashions on time. Store staff are not communicating to the purchase managers what the customers are demanding. You want to revitalize the product development process (designing, procurement, and stocking). Using the course material, explain how you will improve creativity and innovation and customer satisfaction in your organization

Reference no: EM132822554

Questions Cloud

Analyze the level of technical complexity : Your friends and you have decided to open a large restaurant in Ranchi. You plan to offer a complete range of food options based on time
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Nature of task interdependences evident : You have been recently hired by a biotechnology firm. The firm historically pursued a cost-leadership strategy with a functional structure.
Find how much is conversion cost per unit : How much is conversion cost per unit? An entity reported P90 as prime cost per unit. Manufacturing overhead applied at 150% of direct labor cost is P45 per unit
What is the role of politics during the pandemic : The 2019-2020 coronavirus pandemic is an ongoing disease that has devastated many countries all over the world. The outbreak was identified in Wuhan.
What is amount of uncollectible accounts expense for year : Collections on accounts totaled P4,836,000; accounts P150,000 were written off. What is the amount of uncollectible accounts expense for the year?
Describe effect of perceptions of economic stability : Watch the NBC Learn video clip Some U.S. Businesses Profit from a falling Dollar regarding the depreciation of the U.S. dollar during the last recession.


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