Reference no: EM13777165
Content Requirements (structure your paper exactly in the order below):
1. In the first paragraph briefly state: 1. the author's conclusion, 2. whether the two theories you have chosen would agree or disagree with the author's argument, and 3. what your ultimate position on the argument is. The totality of this is known as a thesis statement.
2. In the next few paragraphs explain the author's argument and how she/he supports the argument.
3. Next, choose two of the following ethical theories and explain whether they would agree or disagree withthe author's conclusion.
Choices: Natural Law Theory, Ethical Egoism, Utilitarianism, Kant's Duty Ethics
4. Next, state whether you agree or disagree with the author's argument, and the assessment of the two ethical theories you have chosen. Then state why you agree/disagree with the author and/or two ethical theories selected, in addition to your own assessment of the issue.
5. End the paper with a conclusion paragraph. (A paragraph that briefly summarizes your position and what you have discussed in the paper.)
The paper must abide by the structure outlined below. Any deviation or omission of elements will result in a grade penalty. The paper must have:
1. Introduction: A short paragraph in which you state the argument at hand and briefly your assessment of an argument.
o In the introduction you must provide a thesis statement. A thesis statement is generally a few sentences in which you briefly state your argument.
- E.g.: "In this paper I will argue that Person X's support forthe building of non-human operated military robots that can kill is morally wrong.This is because justification for killing a human being first requires having respect for human life. Robots are not sentient and thus do not have respect for human life. It will be shown that Kant's Categorical Imperativesupports my conclusion, while it is ambiguous whether Utilitarianism is in favor or against building such robots."
2. Body: A detailed discussion of the different arguments and how they are supported.
o Explain the arguments in detail.
o Take a position on the topic and argue for your position.
o All quotations must be properly cited. Example:
- Quotation example: "Our sense perceptions must surely make us realize that all that we perceive through them is striving to reach that which is Equal but falls short of it; or how do we express it?" (Plato, 59)
- Citation (either in footnote or backpage): Plato. Phaedo. Classics of Western Philosophy. 7th ed. Ed. Steven M. Cahn. Indianapolis: Hackett, 2006. 59, 75b.
3. Conclusion: A short paragraph in which you briefly summarize what was presented in the body.
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