Natives of new guinea

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Reference no: EM133228646

Both the white men and the natives had different reactions to seeing new people for the first time. What was the reaction of the white men? What was the reaction of the natives?

The natives in the video describe at least two ways they were finally convinced that the white men were humans too and not spirits. What were these?

As in many first-contact cultures, the natives of New Guinea attempted to explain new things and new people they encountered by means of their religious sentiments and their cultural worldview. Choose a few of the new artifacts (such as: planes, music, white men, tin cans, dishes) and explain what the natives thought they were.

What changes have occurred in the native population since the Leahys contacted them in 1930? What is their reaction to seeing themselves and their relatives on video from 50 years ago?

Reference no: EM133228646

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