Reference no: EM133205214
This the lecture's Big Question was in three parts. Using your notes answer the following in your group:
1. Describe Native American civilizations before European exploration according to their geographical locations. ( I.e. what was society/ civilization like for Native Americans in the West, Midwest? What type of evidence of technological advancement have historians uncovered from these societies?)
2. Name the three theories associated with the First Americans
3. Describe the differences between Portuguese, Spanish and French colonization
Discussion Group In Class Assignment
Define and Describe the following:
How was slavery established and practiced in England's North American colonies?
How and why did colonists sense of identity change before 1764?
What was chattel slavery?
Name three factors that led to the American Revolution.
How did education differ in the:
Middle Colonies
Southern Colonies
New England Colonies
What was the Great Awakening and who did it appeal to?
What were the:
Bread riots
Market riots
Impressment riots
Name three areas of society that experienced growth in the 18th century.
What were the effects of dissent and protest?
What was the French and Indian War and how did it affect the colonists?