Nathan argues that each paragraph in a narrative should

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Reference no: EM13460235

1. One of the benefits to highlighting key points is that

A. it ensures active reading.

B. it eliminates note taking.

C. it sorts the good ideas from the bad ideas.

D. you can skim, rather than read every word. - best of the choices as it cannot "ensure" active reading.

2. Please read the following excerpt from an essay. The sentences are numbered to help you respond to the question that follows.

(1) After Sean was arrested for breaking into a pawnshop, I began to wonder. (2) Why did some kids from my neighborhood end up in trouble while most of us didn't? (3) I started out with a question: What causes young people to make bad choices? (4) Now, after two years of research, I've arrived at the conclusion that there is no simple answer. (5) There is no one reason why good kids go bad, but there are typical reasons.

(6) According to my research, teenagers are most likely to get into trouble if they hang out with a bad crowd. (7) That's because people learn their values from the people they associate with. (8) So a very big reason for bad behavior is imitating one's peers. (9) But there are other important factors as well. (10) Kids who get in trouble are often school dropouts. (11) Also, kids being raised by a single mother are more likely to get in trouble than kids raised in an intact family. (12) Substance abuse also plays a role, especially when it comes to alcohol and legal or illegal drugs.

In which sentence or sentences do you find the thesis statement in this excerpt?

A. 3

B. 4 and 5

C. 5

D. 2


3. Which of the following types of figurative language can be used to make something that is unpleasant seem better?

A. Denotation

B. Inference

C. Euphemism

D. Opinion

4. Which of the following titles is made more effective by alliteration?

A. Ruby, the Rose of Roslyn

B. Guns: Our Lethal Heritage

C. Now You See It; Now You Don't

D. What's in a Name?

5. Which of the following statements best identifies a learning style that's creative, verbal, and independent?

A. Bart enjoys sitting in public places with his brother analyzing people, especially when he is trying to come up with a plot for a short story.

B. Cameron loves to diagram the different aspects or meanings of an idea.

C. Karen loves sorting out facts, especially when she can help her classmates visualize them in novel and interesting ways.

D. Loren writes poetry because she enjoys experimenting with words to evoke emotions.

6. Lillian is looking for ideas to write about, and she decides to make a list of everything she can think of that relates to the topic of teenage romance. Which concept best describes Lillian's strategy?

A. Brainstorming

B. Free association

C. Mapping

D. Outlining

7. An active reader who is assigned an essay to read will begin by

A. skimming the entire essay.

B. researching the subject of the essay.

C. reading the entire essay.

D. previewing specific parts of the essay.

8. What is the most likely purpose of the essay from which the following passage was taken?

Having been raised on a dairy farm in rural Minnesota, Lorie Ann Kline was having trouble adjusting to life in the city and to Central High School. In a conference with her parents, the school guidance counselor explained that Lorie Ann avoided talking to her fellow students and sat by herself in the lunchroom. Perhaps most disturbing, her grades were not what one would expect given her high scholastic aptitude scores. Mrs. Kline agreed that Lorie Ann was often shy around strangers. A solemn Mr. Kline explained that his daughter had been severely bullied by two older children who had lived at the farm for a short time. The guidance counselor nodded in understanding.

A. To tell the life story of Lorie Ann Kline

B. To point out the harm done by bullies

C. To inform people about the work of guidance counselors

D. To argue for urban over rural life

9. Please read the following excerpt from an essay, and answer the question that follows.

Biologically, adolescence is marked by hormonal changes that produce secondary sexual characteristics. These include breast development in females and beard growth in males. Psychologically, however, adolescence is a concept that applies only to modern industrial societies. In fact, in most preliterate or tribal societies, the modern American idea of adolescence simply does not exist. In such societies, the social roles of adulthood are to be learned during childhood. Then, around the time of biological puberty, a child becomes an adult through a ritual anthropologists call a rite of passage. By contrast, in American society, adolescence amounts to a sort of social and cultural limbo. Informally, the end of childhood is often marked by one's thirteenth birthday. The child is now a "teenager." More formally, the end of adolescence is marked by legal strictures that vary irrationally. In a given state the age of sexual consent may be 16 for girls and 18 for boys. An 18-year-old may vote or enlist to die for his country, but, until he reaches age 21, he may not legally purchase alcoholic beverages.

If the topic of this paragraph is adolescence, which of the following statements best captures or reiterates the thesis?

A. Western society has no single concept of adolescence.

B. Adolescence is defined differently in different societies.

C. Adolescence is an aspect of modern society.

D. Adolescence is an irrational concept

10. Please read the following excerpt from an essay, and answer the question that follows. In the passage, the sentences are numbered to help you respond to the question.

(1) Biologically, adolescence is marked by hormonal changes that produce secondary sexual characteristics. (2) These include breast development in females and beard growth in males. (3) Psychologically, however, adolescence is a concept that applies only to modern industrial societies. (4) In fact, in most preliterate or tribal societies, the modern American idea of adolescence simply does not exist. (5) In such societies, the social roles of adulthood are to be learned during childhood. (6) Then, around the time of biological puberty, a child becomes an adult through a ritual anthropologists call a rite of passage. (7) By contrast, in American society, adolescence amounts to a sort of social and cultural limbo. (8) Informally, the end of childhood is often marked by one's thirteenth birthday. The child is now a "teenager." (9) More formally, the end of adolescence is marked by legal strictures that vary irrationally. (10) In a given state the age of sexual consent may be 16 for girls and 18 for boys. (11) An 18-year-old may vote or enlist to die for his country, but, until he reaches age 21, he may not legally purchase alcoholic beverages.

In which sentence of the paragraph do you find a transitional word or phrase that shows a time connection?

A. Sentence 7

B. Sentence 4

C. Sentence 6

D. Sentence 3

11. As a general rule, where in your essay is it best to place your thesis statement?

A. Anywhere at all, because the best thesis statement is implied, not specified

B. In the first, introductory paragraph of the essay

C. At the end of the essay, as part of the conclusion

D. In the second or third paragraph of the body of the essay

12. Leila says that a thesis statement is like a promise to a reader. Lucas says a thesis statement expresses the writer's point of view. Who is correct?

A. Both Leila and Lucas are correct.

B. Neither Leila nor Lucas is correct.

C. Only Leila is correct.

D. Only Lucas is correct.

13. According to your textbook, which statement about learning styles is most accurate?

A. To write more effectively, you shouldn't experiment with unfamiliar learning styles.

B. Pragmatic learners are almost never creative, but they're usually emotional.

C. Concrete learners tend to focus on the big picture.

D. If you're a verbal learner, you can still experiment with spatial diagrams.

14. Please read the following excerpt from an essay, and answer the question that follows.

After Sean was arrested for breaking into a pawnshop, I began to wonder. Why did some kids from my neighborhood end up in trouble while most of us didn't? I started out with a question: What causes young people to make bad choices? Now, after two years of research, I've arrived at the conclusion that there is no simple answer. There is no one reason why good kids go bad, but there are typical reasons.

According to my research, teenagers are most likely to get into trouble if they hang out with a bad crowd. That's because people learn their values from the people they associate with. So a very big reason for bad behavior is imitating one's peers. But there are other important factors as well. Kids who get in trouble are often school dropouts. Also, kids being raised by a single mother are more likely to get in trouble than kids raised in an intact family. Substance abuse also plays a role, especially when it comes to alcohol and legal or illegal drugs.

What method of organization is used by the writer?

A. Chronological

B. Most-to-least

C. Least-to-most

D. Spatial

15. One of the nine ways, or patterns, of developing an essay is

A. editing.

B. disputation.

C. process.

D. elaboration.

16. In searching out the key elements as you read an essay, you're most likely to discover the author's support for his or her claims or ideas in the

A. title.

B. introductory paragraph.

C. body of the essay.

D. conclusion.

17. The usual point of view when writing a formal academic essay is

A. personal.

B. third person.

C. second person.

D. subjective.

18. Your topic is courtesy, and you're writing from the point of view of a caring mentor. Which of the following sentences is most persuasive for an audience of high school graduates from a working-class neighborhood?

A. Remember that you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

B. Courtesy yields profits to the impecunious as well as to the wealthy.

C. Courtesy to others shows self-respect as much as it does respect for others.

D. Courtesy is the oil that lubricates the machinery of discourse.

19. Which of the following is a common error in composing a thesis statement?

A. You offer an original perspective on a familiar theme.

B. Your thesis statement contains two or more central points.

C. You focus your thesis statement after you begin writing.

D. Your thesis statement is specific as opposed to general.

20. Karen asserts that a thesis statement is best developed as part of the prewriting process. Kyle claims that a thesis statement should be completely developed before the writer is sure of the topic. Who is correct?

A. Only Karen is correct.

B. Only Kyle is correct.

C. Neither Karen nor Kyle is correct.

D. Both Karen and Kyle are correct.

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Question 1 of 20 : Select the best answer for the question.

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1. Which of the following sentences uses a coordinating conjunction in a compound sentence?

A. The budget payment is much higher than we anticipated, but the price of heating oil has skyrocketed this year.

B. My aunt, who usually behaves like a queen, was suddenly asking-no, begging-for help.

C. Out in the yard, the children shouted loudly and threw silly insults at each other.

D. We fired our old housekeeper, who we thought had stolen Grandma's rings; we later regretted it.

2. Which of the following sentences is without any surface errors?

A. The town is located near just a few miles from lake Ontario.

B. It's up to Georgia and I who drives the car, whether Celine likes it or not.

C. I reluctantly gave the hamster to my cousin because I was afraid Teddy, my cat, would attack it.

D. Mr. Campbell gave copies of his novel to Ruth and me.

3. To compose strong, compelling sentences, avoid using

A. short, simple sentences.

B. clauses as modifiers.

C. dependent clauses.

D. forms of the verb to be.

4. Which sentence should be edited to eliminate its cliché?

A. The family was immensely relieved when Great-Aunt Martha's condition progressed from "critical" to "it looks like she'll live another 10 years."

B. The texture of the burlap was a cross between woven straw and a three-day beard.

C. Striding toward the barn in her red coverall and bucket hat, Gloria-tall and round-gave the impression of a charging silo.

D. I wanted to hire Dave, but a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

5. What is the sequence of components in the following sentence?

Listless and depressed by vistas of snow and gray skies, Dieter left the cabin and walked toward the frozen pond.

A. Subject, modifier, verb

B. Modifier, subject, verb

C. Modifier, subject, modifier, verb

D. Subject, verb, modifier

6. A judicial decision handed down in court uses the _______ level of diction.

A. informal

B. formal

C. popular

D. colloquial

7. A _______ can be used for both organizing and revising an essay.

A. graphic organizer

B. verbal sketch

C. topic sentence

D. flowchart

8. Which of the following sentences uses concrete language?

A. When I saw Susan, she was reading a book.

B. Danny's Labrador retriever eagerly chases tennis balls.

C. Jerry saw that the glass was really dirty.

D. I met Cathy at a store on a street near the bridge.

9. Which of the following sentences contains a dependent clause?

A. Jared eagerly climbed into the boxing ring; he was on his back and out for the count in less than ten seconds.

B. Please clear the table and wash the dishes.

C. Kicking and leaping, the three deer behaved like rambunctious rabbits.

D. The red sports car that was parked under the tree belongs to Alan.

10. As you're revising an essay, you write down several sentences to describe your intended readers. Why should you do this?

A. To ensure that your essay will entertain the audience

B. To make sure you're writing what you know, not what you believe

C. To see if your essay is directed toward its intended audience

D. To ensure that you're instructing your audience adequately

11. Which of the following sentences shows correct usage of a comma or commas?

A. William of Orange, arrived in England in 1688, to claim the English throne from James II.

B. After a fire at their home, Carlie and her mother rented a house in Glendale, Arizona from November 14, 2007 to January 28, 2008.

C. Claire's plum pudding was mainly distinctive, for its absence of plums.

D. Christopher Wren, a contemporary of Isaac Newton and John Locke, was the architect of St. Paul's Cathedral.

12. Which of the following sentences contains one or more strong, active verbs?

A. Conrad trembled with anxiety and anticipation as he pressed Denise's doorbell.

B. It was believed by some that Conrad's father had been a war hero.

C. Having been away in London for two years, Conrad was happy to see Denise.

D. The phone directory was hastily searched by Conrad.

13. In which sentence does the italicized word have a negative connotation?

A. Although she had worked hard in high school, Ruth found the college courses challenging.

B. Matthew was a scrawnykid, but he grew up strong.

C. Jenna's green eyes and dark eyelashes gave her an exotic look.

D. Jack, who is the most outspoken member of the group, led the opposition to the new rule.

14. Which of the following is an evaluation tool using questions and answers that lead to effective strategies?

A. Outline

B. Thesis

C. Graphic organizer

D. Flowchart

15. Which of the following is a compound sentence?

A. Butterflies and hummingbirds feed on the nectar of flowering plants.

B. Because Viceroy butterflies migrate over very great distances, tracking them is a challenge to entomologists.

C. Because fraud is so common in some corporations, regulatory agencies are overworked.

D. Corporate fraud is becoming more common in the United States, and the civil courts are being stretched to their limits.

16. Choosing a good reviewer for your writing means finding someone who

A. knows everything about writing and will find every mistake.

B. will concentrate on your ideas and how well you support them.

C. is a close friend and will give you a positive review.

D. concentrates on correcting your spelling and grammar errors.

17. Which of the following sentences contains a redundancy?

A. Chris had trouble working up even mild enthusiasm for Mike's plan.

B. At no time did Tony indicate a willingness to admit defeat.

C. Emily's sister gave birth to a pair of twins.

D. Steve admired the partially completed stadium.

18. Which of the following sentences uses parallelism effectively?

A. The report was good because it was factual and offered many details.

B. The large plant-eating dinosaurs were quite slow, rather stupid, and extremely hungry.

C. The Red Sox fans screamed, yelled, and were applauding wildly.

D. Laura spent all her time gardening and arranging flowers, when she wasn't in a shoe store to shop.

19. Which of the following is a simple sentence?

A. I went to the airport, but I was too late to meet them.

B. I got to the airport late because the traffic was so terrible.

C. When I realized I was too late, I called David's cell phone and made arrangements to meet them in town.

D. Karen and David arrived at the airport at 3:35 P.M. and took a taxi to their hotel.

20. Nathan argues that each paragraph in a narrative should support the author's thesis. Nan says that paragraphs in a narrative should illuminate some part of the action. Which one is correct?

A. Both Nathan and Nan are correct.

B. Only Nathan is correct.

C. Only Nan is correct.

D. Neither Nathan nor Nan is

Reference no: EM13460235

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