Name unintended effect of reaganomics

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133430986


1. Name an unintended effect of Reaganomics in the 1980s.

Taxes were reduced for citizens and corporations.

There was a significant increase in the national debt.

The cycle of stagflation was broken.

Funding for programs to help the poor was reduced.

2. What is one reason why the federal government increased efforts to address violent crime and drug use in the 1980s?

The federal government recognized that its "war on drugs" had failed.

More prisons were needed to employ rural Americans.

States implemented mandatory minimum prison sentences for any drug offense.

The abuse of crack cocaine contributed to rising rates of urban violence.

3. Choose the true statement about events that led to uncovering President Richard Nixon's role in the Watergate scandal.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation ordered wiretaps on all telephones in the White House, including the president.

An anonymous source implicated the White House to two Washington Post reporters.

President Nixon confessed to wrongdoing in order to avoid an impeachment hearing.

President Nixon refused to release the content of the subpoenaed White House tapes to Congress in any form.

4. How did President Ronald Reagan escalate the Cold War?

He met with Mikhail Gorbachev to discuss arms reductions and lower military budgets.

He opposed the Strategic Defense Initiative as an outdated method to stop Soviet aggression.

He accused the Soviets of bombing a Marines barracks in Lebanon that killed 200 soldiers.

He engaged in anti-communist interventions in Grenada and Nicaragua.

5. Read the excerpt from an address to Congress made by President George W. Bush in which he declared war on terrorism:

"The terrorists practice a fringe form of Islamic extremism that has been rejected by Muslim scholars and the vast majority of Muslim clerics-a fringe movement that perverts the peaceful teachings of Islam. The terrorists' directive commands them to kill Christians and Jews, to kill all Americans and make no distinction among military and civilians, including women and children."

What is the significance of this excerpt from President Bush's September 20, 2001 address?

The president is describing a form of Islamic extremism supported by a majority of Muslims.

The president is declaring that followers of Islam must be convinced to convert to Christianity.

The president is announcing his intention to use all means necessary against the people or nations involved in the 9/11 attacks.

The president distinguishes between extremists and the vast majority of Muslims, and only the former is identified as the enemy.

6. Which statement regarding the "New World Order" after the Cold War ended is true?

The "New World Order" prioritized unilateral action over international coalitions.

The "New World Order" was a continuation of Cold War foreign policy in that it sought to eradicate communism.

The "New World Order" was an idealistic vision of cooperation among nations to deter war and protect human rights.

The "New World Order" led the United States to reassert an isolationist foreign policy.

8. Choose the true statement about the consequences of Vietnamization.

Congress expanded the authority of the president to wage war by passing the War Powers Act.

President Nixon escalated the war in Southeast Asia by sending troops into Cambodia.

The United States assumed total responsibility for the defense of South Vietnam from the South Vietnamese.

President Nixon successfully vetoed the War Powers Act, which attempted to check the executive branch's power.

9. Which of the following actions or groups advanced gay rights during the 1970s?

The election of Harvey Milk

The increase in the number of gay and lesbian representatives in Congress

President Nixon's "silent majority" coalition

The passage of the Education Amendments Act of 1972

10. Read the excerpt from a speech President Ronald Reagan made in 1987:

"There is one sign the Soviets can make that would be unmistakable, that would advance dramatically the cause of freedom and peace.

General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

What was the purpose of Reagan's speech?

To declare the Soviet Union to be the focus of evil in the modern world

To generate NATO support for a Western takeover of Berlin

To reassert to the Soviet Union his commitment to ending communism

To demonstrate his willingness to re-establish détente with the Soviets

11. Choose the true statement about the American economy in the 1990s.

Increased tax revenue, budget cuts and economic growth transformed budget deficits to budget surpluses.

The U.S. trade deficit shrunk, as the country exported more than it imported.

Free trade agreements boosted manufacturing in the United States after decades of decline.

Economic growth contributed to a decrease in partisan divisions over government spending and welfare.

12. Choose the true statement about the American economy in the early 2000s.

Cuts in federal spending led to a reduction in the national debt.

Regulatory changes to the banking industry made it more difficult for Americans to obtain mortgages.

Most American households profited from investing in high-tech and Internet companies.

Large corporations were accused and convicted of massive accounting fraud.

13. What group was one of the intellectual arms of the New Right, providing policy positions and political recommendations for conservative candidates?

The Free Speech Movement

The Moral Majority

The Heritage Foundation

The Save Our Children organization

14. One of the most significant and swift social transformations in recent American history occurred when the Supreme Court rendered what ruling?

Climate change was real.

English was the official language of the United States.

Marriage was a union between a man and a woman.

Same-sex marriage was a constitutional right.

15. Which act authorized law enforcement to examine American citizens' telephone conversations and emails without a warrant?

The Homeland Security Act


The Federal Emergency Management Act

The American Recovery Act

16. A state wants to build a new highway with federal funds, but the proposed highway runs through a major wetlands area.

Which policy requires the completion of an "environmental impact statement" before this federal project can be undertaken?

Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Energy Policy and Conservation Act

National Environmental Policy Act

Environmental Protection Agency

17. Which statement characterizes American immigration policy during the early 20th century?

Restrictions on immigration from Asia were lifted.

Employers were required to verify that immigrant workers were eligible to work in the United States.

Immigrants from Europe were subject to quota requirements based on nationality.

Latin Americans were banned from legally immigrating to the United States.

18. Read the testimony of a Mexican American migrant laborer to Congress in 1969:

"So when crops are over in the State of Florida, there is no way that he can continue to survive, so he migrates. And because of that, the migrant farmworkers have had great difficulties in their employment relationships, much of this arising out of exploitation and abuse by irresponsible farmers and crew leaders who sometimes underpay them, short count them, and overcharge them for transportation."

How did migrant workers attempt to combat the exploitation mentioned above?

Citizenship drives

Labor organizing

Immigration reform

Amnesty programs

19. The AIDS crisis of the 1980s and government inaction in response to it caused organizations like ACT UP to grow.

These organizations reflected the view of which of the following groups?

Gay rights activists

The Religious Right



20. Choose the statement that reflects a success for President Jimmy Carter's foreign policy.

He authorized American aid to fundamentalist Muslims in Afghanistan.

He granted Iran's shah entry to the United States for medical treatment.

He negotiated for the release of American hostages at the embassy in Tehran.

He oversaw the drafting of a historic peace treaty that marked the recognition of Israel by an Arab nation.

21. How did the American economy in the 1970s differ from the economy in previous decades?

The inflation rate increased more slowly than it had previously.

The United States exported more goods than it imported.

The United States fell into an economic recession.

Oil became an important commodity in the South.

22. Which of the following statements reveals a cause of political organizing by evangelical Christians during the 20th century?

"Republicans in Congress are determined to reinforce separation of church and state statutes."

"Fewer than half of all Americans in the 1950s identified as members of a religious faith."

"We believe that we need to defend Americans who are fighting for equal rights."

"We fear that consumerism will corrupt our children and destabilize American families."

23. Choose the statement that describes a success of Operation Enduring Freedom.

U.S. soldiers killed Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan.

Weapons of mass destruction were discovered and destroyed.

The United States declared victory after fewer than 60 days in battle.

The operation freed Kabul from Taliban control.

24. Which event that contributed to the economic recession of 2008 happened first?

The housing market soared as lenders repackaged subprime mortgages into collateralized debt obligations.

Banks marketed subprime mortgages to individuals who had low incomes and low credit ratings.

Congress authorized $700 billion to be infused into the financial sector.

As homeowners defaulted on their mortgages, investment firms began to fail.

Reference no: EM133430986

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