Name the restored database northwind

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM13930532

Perform backups of the database you created in Unit 2 and the Northwind database (remember to take screen shots as you

perform these steps).

Perform a Full Database Backup of the Northwind database, using the Enterprise Manager. Name this backup


Create a table named U4_Table, in the database you created in Unit 2, with two columns called Name and Date. Add a row in

this table with your name and today's date.

Create another table also named U4_Table, in the Northwind database, with two columns called Name and Date. Add a row in

this table with your name and today's date.

Perform a Transaction Log backup of your database from (1.b) above. Name the backup


Perform a Full Database Backup of the Northwind database, using T_SQL. Name this backup [YourName]_WindBackup_TSQL.

Delete the Northwind database, which now should include U4_Table.

Perform a restore of the Northwind database from [YourName]_WinBackup_TSQL

Name the restored database nWindRestored.

Reminder: Make sure to include a screen shot showing U4_table. Click on tables on the left pane and you may have to scroll

all the way to the bottom to see U4_Table.

Perform a restore of the Northwind database from [YourName]_WinBackup_EM

Name the restored database Northwind. (You now have your original DB)

Reference no: EM13930532

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