Name of java class for creating a window with a title

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132115952

Answer the following Question

Q1. name of Java class for creating a window with a title?

Q2. name of Java class with an area for graphics or for placing and organizing components?

Q3. name of Java interface for positioning GUI components in a container?

Q4. an object created when the user interacts with a GUI component?

Q5. code that performs a task in response to an event?

Q6. link a GUI component to an event handler (one word answer)?

Q7. name of Java interface for handling events from JButtons?

Q8. name of method called for handling JButton events?

Q9. name of Java class for generating ActionEvents at fixed intervals of time?

Q10. name of Java interface for handling events from a mouse?

Q11. name of Java interface for handling events from the keyboard?

Q12. What does AWT stand for?

Q13. What does GUI stand for?

Q14. name of Java class that is a layout manager for placing components sequentially (left to right) in the order they were added?

Q15. name of Java class that is a layout manager for arranging the components into rows and columns?

Q16. name of Java class that is a layout manager for arranging the components into five areas: NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST and CENTER?

Q17. name of method to be called when GUI components need to be refreshed?

Q18. name of Java class with methods for drawing strings, lines, rectangles and other shapes?

Q19. What does RGB stand for?

Q20. name of Java class with methods and constants for manipulating the style and size of characters?

Reference no: EM132115952

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