Reference no: EM132455232
Mysticism in Asian Religions Academic Writing Assignment #2:
The Term Paper In this course, the term paper is to be based on your reaction to and analysis of some issues encountered in this course. The paper is to be 1300 to 1900 words (4 to 6 pages). It issuggested that you focus your essay on a theme such as one of the following:
(1) comparison of Patañjali's yoga and Buddhist mindfulness meditation.
(2) comparison of the insight and calming practices in Buddhist meditation.
(3) comparison of the role of the body in Hindu yoga and Buddhist meditation practices.
(4) use of yoga or meditation to promote health and healing.
(5) ancient Hindu yoga or Buddhist meditation vs. contemporary versions of these practices.
You also may choose to focus your paper on a different topic as long as it is suitable.
After deciding on a general topic, formulate a thesis statement for your essay that expresses your point of view. For 40 points, submit your proposed thesis statement by Blackboardmessage (not standard email), and receive my written approval of it, by November 17. Failureto do this runs the risk that the topic may be judged inappropriate, and/or the thesisinadequate, and the paper's grade will suffer as a result (in addition to throwing away the 40points for submitting the thesis on time and receiving approval of it). When I have approvedyour thesis, I will add 40 points into your grade total.At least three times in this paper, you must quote or refer to specific passages from texts andelectronic readings used in this course to support your points, citing page numbers for eachquotation or paraphrased portion. Most of the paper, however, should be your response to andanalysis of the issues you are discussing. You must make use of more than one reading, andwebsites do not count as valid academic sources unless approved in advance.It is not a requirement that this paper be based on research beyond the materials of thiscourse. Readings for this course may well suffice for your paper. See also the readings in thefolder within BB called "Additional Readings." Should you wish to define terms, use our coursereadings rather than a dictionary, as our course readings provide much more sophisticated andcorrect definitions.Please remember: Wikipedia is prohibited, and websites in general are not academic sources.Submit the paper within BB to the SafeAssign icon, and hand in one copy in class also.