My company wants to reach latino marker

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133615702


Find out what went wrong, and propose possible solutions in Spanish. My company wants to reach the Latino marker. I told my supervisor that she would only need to contact Univision, Telemundo, or UniMás because the main U.S. networks that broadcast in English do not have affiliates that broadcast their programs in Spanish.

Reference no: EM133615702

Questions Cloud

Discuss how they communicated their crisis situation : Discuss how they communicated their crisis situation to the public. What form of communication (verbal or written) did they use?
How risky the project appears : How risky the project appears. How far off your estimates of revenues and expenses can be before your decision would change.
Important step in healthcare strategy process : Determining Marketing Actions is a very important step in the Healthcare Strategy process.
Major pharmaceutical firm : Alecia had been asked to serve on the board of a major pharmaceutical firm. will help the firm follow the rule of indemnity.
My company wants to reach latino marker : Find out what went wrong, and propose possible solutions in Spanish. My company wants to reach the Latino marker.
Summarize the analysis used to create the recommendation : Describe why each piece of evidence is relevant to patients, the community, and the hospital. Summarize the analysis used to create the recommendation.
Entertainment promotions international : What legislation would protect Entertainment Promotions International in this case? What other penalties do the illegal merchandisers face?
How do private payers play into your thinking : How do private payers play into your thinking about clinical and financial information systems strategies?
Briefly describe the position main duties : Briefly describe the position's main duties. Internal recruitment process you would perform. External recruitment process you would perform


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