Musical theater and dance-putting it together

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Reference no: EM131119439


Musical Theater and Dance - Putting It Together!

True/False Quiz


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Below is your Musical Theater and Dance True/False Quiz. It is worth 25 points and is considered an "open book," or perhaps I should say "open internet" quiz. You will probably need to do some research outside of your textbook to find some of the answers. Be sure to respond with your True or False statement at the end of each sentence.

1). American original, or Vernacular, dance comes from a "variety of cultures hybridized and theatricalized into a spicy American blend." (Lihs 80)

2). Early tap dance is a blend of cultures from Africa, the British Isles and Ireland.

3). Tap dance is considered an indigenous American art form because it was created in the United States.

4). Before the development of the metal alloy that is currently used by tap dancers, pennies, bottle caps, nails, and metal pieces were attached to the bottom of shoes to make their rhythmic tap sounds.

4). Minstrel shows which developed in the 1800s are considered "the first indigenous American musical theater."

5). Minstrel shows had: an all male cast, "imitated the songs and dances" of the slave population, initiated and made popular the use of "blackface," and had a strict structure in their presentation. (Lihs 41).

6). The racial "Jim Crow Laws" were named after the song and dance known as "Jump Jim Crow."

7). William Henry Lane, known as "Master Juba," was a free African American before the Civil War and an international entertainer known for his jig dancing.

8). The "soft shoe" style of tap dance became popular after the Civil War. It was originally danced using a leathered sole and was performed by spreading either salt or sand on the performance area to create a specific sound effect.

9). Vaudeville replaced minstrel shows.

10). In contrast to minstrelsy, the vaudeville theater included a variety of entertaining acts, allowed women and children to perform, and was known as "family entertainment." (Lihs 82).

11). Ragtime is: considered the first form of jazz music, originated in New Orleans, became popular during the time of vaudeville, was known for its syncopation and polyrhythms, and can be traced to African rhythmic influences.

12). The music styles of Ragtime and later Dixieland Jazz were very influential in the development of tap rhythms and jazz dance.

13). Vaudeville died out in the late 1930s due to the development of movies, the radio, and the Great Depression.

14). The Harlem Renaissance, which occurred approximately between the early

1920s - late 1930s, was a rebirth of African American culture, not just in dance, but also in fine art and literature.

15). During the 1930s - 1940s Hollywood movies replaced vaudeville with movie musicals and was considered the "Golden Era of the Movie Musical."

16). Many of the famous early Hollywood stars began their careers in vaudeville.

17). Jazz dance is influenced by many different dance cultures and music.

18). The Tap Renaissance came about in the late 1960s-early1970s and was largely due to the tap festivals that became popular during this time.

19). The Tap Renaissance brought back to the stage many of the original hoofers who performed with the swing bands during the Harlem Renaissance and vaudeville.

20). The music video became popular in the "late 1970s as brief clips from live concerts." (Jonas 239)

21). The music video has an "emphasis on quick cuts and flashes" as well as "computer-generated special effects that has changed the way dance is filmed."

(Lihs 91).

22). Hip - hop is considered a form of jazz dance.

23). Hip - hop was first seen in the 1970s.

24). This was a cool quiz.

25). This quiz was helpful.

Reference no: EM131119439

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