Reference no: EM132558023
1. Perform a chin-up (palms supinated) and determine which muscles are the prime movers, stabilizers, and synergists. Is there a difference with a pull-up (palms pronated)? If so, what are the differences? Do as many chin-ups as possible. Which muscles inhibit your ability to perform more repetitions? What does this say about the chin-up as an effective exercise for the latissimus dorsi? List as many variations of pull-ups and chin-ups as possible. Describe how what you have learned during this experience will help you in your future training.
2. Identify and perform ten resistance training exercises. Describe which phase of the exercise is the eccentric, concentric, and isometric phase of the movement. At which phase is the muscle the strongest? Why? Describe how what you have learned during this experience will help you in your future training endeavors.
3. List the six fundamental movements of major body segments (Unit 4). Give an example exercise for each. In addition, identify an exercise that combines three or more of the primary movements. List the exercise as well as the movements involved. How will an understanding of fundamental movements help you in your future training endeavors?
4. Perform a posture test on yourself and a friend. What deviations do you observe? What exercises and stretches can correct these deviations? Discuss the procedure(s) you used, your findings, how you came to your conclusions, and what your recommendations are. How does an understanding of posture, posture assessment, and posture correction help you in your future training endeavors?
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