Multiple services and planning complex service inputs

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133376756


1. Briefly outline the following models of case management in the table below:

- Brokerage

- Networking

- Rehabilitation

- Strengths

- Assertive Community treatment (ACT)

2. Summarise evidence-based practice and some of the requirements of practising this method.

3. Discuss the principles and practices you need to follow as a service coordinator when working across multiple services and planning complex service inputs.

4. Answer the questions below

a) Undertake appropriate research and discuss the history of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. In your answer you need to mention the protocols and systems they traditionally follow, and how this will impact the development of their case plan in the way of cultural considerations and communication.

b) Discuss the impact of generational abuse and welfare dependency in Australia in the context of working in community services. How would you expect your working relationship with an indigenous Australian client to be affected?

5. Answer the questions below

a) Discuss ways in which treatment services can be made more accessible to clients from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

b) Why is it important to understand the following in case management?

- Family systems and dynamics

- Individual communication and decision-making style

6. Give two examples of signs for each category indicating there may be imminence of self-harm.

- social

- emotional

- physical

7. Give two examples of signs indicating threats of harm to others.

8. Refer to your state or territory's legislation and identify five professionals who are prescribed as mandatory reporters.

9. Describe two circumstances under which a worker can, in compliance with the law, disclose confidential information to others.

10. Discuss the risks and responsibilities relating to duty of care for each of the following groups. Provide an example to support each of your answers:

- Children and young people

- Domestic violence

- Suicide

- Elder abuse.

Reference no: EM133376756

Questions Cloud

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Fracture risk for example patient : Calculate the 10 year fracture risk for the example patient.
Multiple services and planning complex service inputs : Discuss the principles and practices you need to follow as a service coordinator when working across multiple services and planning complex service inputs.
What we know about Affirmative Action : Based on what we know about Affirmative Action, do you believe they do enough in today's business environment?
Common challenges and barriers to effective communication : Discuss the barriers below and provide relevant solutions. Common challenges and barriers to effective communication
Provides metal with known thickness standard deviation : The ball corporation beverage can manufacture plant in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin. Uses metal supplier that provides metal with known thickness standard deviation
Bargain extremely hard with management : You feel that you must present a strong and united front at the bargaining table and bargain extremely hard with management.


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