Multiple heaps

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13100330

Create an application that has two heaps. Place a linked list into each heap. Select one hundred random numbers. Place each of the random numbers into each heap - in the order selected.

Linked list number 1, in heap 1, should sort the numbers in ascending order. Linked list number 2, in heap 2, should sort the numbers in descending order. The sort algorithms used should sort the data elements in less than O(n2).

Once each of the linked lists is sorted, the numbers should be printed.

Your program must use two linked lists. Each linked list must be in an independent heap - not the default heap.

Your program can use multiple threads, if you desire.

Turn in a printed copy of your program source as well as including the source on floppy disk, CD, or thumb drive (no executable files) or email the program source, by pasting it into an email (no attachments), to the instructor. Insure your name is on all materials.

Programs will be graded based upon program correctness, good programming techniques, style, and user interface.

Late programs will be accepted only if circumstances dictate (death of an immediate family member, verifiable illness, military tour duty, etc).

This programming assignment is an individual assignment. Please don't violate McKendree University's plagiarism or cheating policies.

Reference no: EM13100330

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