Multiple choice question on c programming

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13161612

  1. Create a function to print "88 is a great port number"
    • function name is yourName_PrintFunction
    • no input
    • no return type
    • print "88 is a great port number"
  2. create a function to print a float
    • function name is yourName_PrintFloat
    • input parameter is a float
    • no return type
    • print the float input parameter
  3. create a function to square a value
    • function name is yourName_SquareValue
    • input parameter is a int
    • return type is an int
    • you will multiply the input int with the input int (int X int) and return this value
  4. create a function to add two number together
    • function name is yourName_AddValues
    • input parameter is an int (pass by value)
    • input parameter is a pointer to a int (pass by reference)
    • add the value input parameter to the reference input parameter
  5. create a function to print the values of an array
    • function name is yourName_PrintArray
    • input parameter is an int array
    • input parameter is the size of the array
    • create a for loop or while loop to print each element of the array
  6. Main function
    • declare and initialize a float variable to have the value .88
      • name the float variable yourName_floatEightyEight
    • declare a int variable
      • name the int variable yourName_firstInt
    • declare an int variable
      • name the int variable yourName_secondInt
      • initialize yourName_secondInt to be 8
    • call the function yourName_PrintFunction
    • call the function yourName_PrintFloat
      • pass in the yourName_floatEightyEight variable
    • call the function yourName_SquareValue
      • pass in the value 88
      • save the return value to the variable yourName_firstInt
    • call the function yourName_addValues
      • the value input parameter will be yourName_firstInt
      • the reference input parameter will be yourName_secondInt (pointer)
    • declare and initialize a int array of int values from 0 - 10
      • name the int array yourName_intArray
    • call the function yourName_PrintArray
      • pass in the yourName_intArray
      • pass in the size of the array
  7. Move the function yourName_PrintFunction into a separate file



Reference no: EM13161612

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