Multiple choice - high school excel 2003

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM1380354

1. Cell E23 has a date value and you want to place that date on an invoice prefaced with the text located in B15. Determine the command to do that?

a. =B15&E23
b. =proper(B15)&" "&text(E23,"mmmm dd, yyyy")
c. B15&" "&E23
d. =join(B15&E23)
e. =proper(B15)&" "&proper(E23)

2. To evaluate what a series of payments will be worth at some point in the future, which of the following should be used? (This question is from Chapter 6.)

a. =PMT
b. =FV
c. =PV
e. =IRR

3. The process of identifying specific rows and columns so that so that certain columns and rows are always visible on the screen is called:

a. freezing
b. locking
c. selecting
d. fixing
e. securing

4. When you create two or four separate windows containing part of the spreadsheet that can be viewed, you have created:

a. sections
b. panes
c. views
d. subsheets
e. panels

5. To keep specific rows and columns from scrolling off the screen you first must position the cell pointer:

a. to the right of the column you want to remain on the screen
b. below the row you want to remain on the screen
c. on the row you want to remain on the screen
d. both A and B are correct
e. both A and C are correct

6. In order to determine the best approach for creating an Auto Outline, Excel uses the worksheet's existing:

a. formulas
b. table structure
c. layout
d. formatting
e. design

7. Which of the following indicates that a cell contains a note or comment?

a. the cell has a hashed border
b. a small red triangle appears in the upper-right corner of the cell
c. the cell is highlighted with a blue border
d. the cell has light blue shading
e. the cell has a moving marquee border

8. What questions do you ask yourself to determine whether Excel 2003 or a database management program, such as Access 2003, is the more suitable software? (Page: EX 432 Section: 8.1)

a. How complicated are my data management tasks?
b. How much data needs to be stored?
c. How much redundant data is expected?
d. How important is data validation?
e. All the above questions are very important in order to determine it.

9. If you wanted to sort an employee file so that they would be listed alphabetically by last name and first name within individual zip codes (smallest to largest), which of the following would be the correct order of the sort?

a. zip codes (ascending), then last name (ascending), then first name (ascending)
b. last name (ascending), then first name(ascending), then last name (ascending)
c. zip codes (descending), then last name(ascending), then first name(ascending)
d. last name (descending), then first name (descending), then last name (descending)
e. zip codes (ascending), then last name (descending), then first name (descending)

10. Which of the following commands will find a subset of records that match a particular range of values?

a. Data, Filter, AutoFilter
b. Data, Sort
c. Data, Sort, Consolidate
d. Data, Sort, Criteria, Find
e. Data, Filter, Filter Criteria

11. Which one of these can you not do using the Print dialog box?

a. print a range selection
b. print worksheet list
c. print the active worksheet
d. print the entire workbook
e. you can do all of the above using the Print dialog box

12. Which of the following will remove all filters placed on a worksheet list?

a. Data, Filter, Show All
b. Data, Sort, Show All
c. Data, Sort, Remove Filter
d. Data, Sort, Criteria, Find All
e. Data, Filter, Unfiltered

13. If you require more than two conditions or if you want to analyze a list using Excel 2003's database functions, you must define which filter?

a. Auto Filter
b. Update Filter
c. Advantage Filter
d. Advanced Criteria Filter
e. Extract Filter

14. Which of the following is the correct syntax for the COUNTIF function?

a. =COUNTIF(criteria, field_name, list_range)
b. =COUNTIF(criteria, field_range)
c. =COUNTIF(field_range, criteria)
d. =COUNTIF(list_range, field_name, criteria_range)
e. =COUNTIF(field_name, list_range, criteria_range)

15. Which of the following is the correct syntax for DAVERAGE?

a. =DAVERAGE(criteria_range, field_name, list_range)
b. =DAVERAGE(field_name, list_range, criteria_range)
c. =DAVERAGE(list_range, criteria_range, field_name)
d. =DAVERAGE(criteria_range, list_range, field_name)
e. =DAVERAGE(list_range, field_name, criteria_range)


Reference no: EM1380354

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