Mucosa-covered projections in nasal cavity

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133630768


1. The process of chewing is clinically known as ___________________________________________.

a. pharyngeal reflex

b. peristalsis

c. mastication

d. segmentation

e. deglutition

2. The hormone, released from the anterior pituitary gland, that promotes a small number of primary follicles in the ovary, to grow and mature each month, is ________________.

a. luteinizing hormone

b. progesterone

c. follicle stiumulating hormone (FSH)

d. testosterone

e. estrogen

3.. The activity of the fertilized egg, burrowing into the inner lining of the uterus, marks pregnancy and is known as________________________.

a. mentruation

b. ovulation

c. fetilization

d. implantation

e. cleavage division

4. A fertilized egg which represents the first cell of newly developing individual, is called a(n) _________________________.

a. awydobaby

b. blastocyst

c. embryo

d. zygote

e. fetus

5. The finger-like projections lining the small intestines are called ______________________.

a. plical folds

b. villi

c. haustra

d. rugae

e. cilia

6. The kidneys can help to correct a rising blood pH by excreting _________________ ions and reabsorbing ____________ ions via the tubular cells.

a. bicarbonate; hydrogen

b. ammonia; carbonic acid

c. potassium; chloride

d. carbon dioxide; oxygen

e. hydrogen; bicarbonate

7. The ducts or passageways, responsible for receiving the ovulated oocyte and providing the site for fertilization, are known as the_______________________.

a. uterine (fallopain) tubes

b. ductus (vas) deferens

c. urethra

d. ureters

e. vagina

8. The external anal sphincter consists of smooth muscle and is the only sphincter muscle for which we have voluntary control.



9. The three mucosa-covered projections in the nasal cavity, which help to warm and humidify the inhaled air, are called_________________________.

a. tonsils

b. paranasal sinuses

c. conchae

d. nasal septum

e. adenoids

10. The hormone responsible for promoting the release of pepsiongens, mucus and hydrochloric acid (gastric motility).

a. insulin

b. choleocystokinin

c. gastrin

d. chyme

e. secretin

11. The process of eliminating indigestible waste from the GI tract is known as ________________________.

a. deglutition

b. mastication

c. segmentation

d. defacation

e. micturation

12. The two hormones that promote the release of bile and pancreatic juices, into the small intestine are______________________ and_________________________________.

a. gastric inhibitory peptide; histamine

b. somatostatin; secretin

c. secretin; choleocystokinin (CCK-pz)

d. gastrin; pepsinogen

e. gastrin; histamine

13. There are three main regions of the kidney; the outermost region is known as the ___________________________.

a. renal pelvis

b. renal hilum

c. renal cortex

d. renal medulla

e. renal calyx

14. The small intestine is a long muscular tube beginning at the ___________________________, and ending at the ________________.

a. ileocecal valve; appendix

b. cardioesophageal sphincter; ileocecal valve

c. pyloric sphincter; ileocecal valve

d. appendix; sigmoid colon

e. cardioesophageal sphincter; pyloric sphincter

15. The enzyme, found in saliva, which initiates the digestion of carbohydrates, is called _________________________.

a. protease

b. lipase

c. trypsin

d. amylase

e. peptidase

Reference no: EM133630768

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