Mrna molecule that specifies the protein

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM13708201

Imagine a protein that functions in the ER but requires modification in the Golgi apparatus before it can achieve that function. Describe protein's path through the cell, starting with mRNA molecule that specifies the protein.

Reference no: EM13708201

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Four-stroke engine has a total displacement volume : A four-stroke engine has a total displacement volume of 10L, 125mm bore and 16.3:1 compression ratio. The engine produces a maximum of 210 kW at 2100 RPM. The intake air is at 45 degrees C and 22.5 g/s of air flow into each cylinder. Calculate the vo..
The second most frequent alelle of a gene : 1. In a population, whenever the second most frequent alelle of a gene has a frequency greater than 0.01, we refer to the situation as a a. Genetic polymorphism b. Genetic anomaly c. Genetic mutation d. Genetic abnormality e. None of these
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What temperature must the specimen be heated : A 1.5-kg specimen of a 88wt% Pb-12wt% Sn alloy (Animated Figure 9.8) is heated to 220°C; at this temperature it is entirely an alpha-phase solid solution. The alloy is to be melted to the extent that 50% of the specimen is liquid, the remainder being..


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