Reference no: EM132474581 , Length: word count:2000
MR3368 Professional Practice and Quality Standards - University of Central Lancashire
Assignment - Report on professional bodies
LO1: Make recommendations for successful operation practices
LO2: Investigate and justify the role of professional bodies within the industry
LO3: Communicate effectively in a professional manner
You must write a report on a professional body of your choice from the motorsport or agricultural engineering industry. The report should include case studies which will justify the role of your chosen professional body.
You must include a brief history of the professional body, structure, safety and environmental contributions along with using appropriate case studies to justify their role.
Assignment - Strategy for the Introduction of Quality Assurance into a Company or Business.
LO3. Critically evaluate the factors, which affect meeting the minimum standard of Quality Assurance, to include international and European standards, for example ISO9000:2000
LO4. Evaluate company performance and efficiency
LO5. Communicate effectively in a professional manner
Choose a company or business where you can act as a consultant. You are to produce a report which details a possible strategy for introducing a quality assurance package in order for the company to obtain accreditation for a Quality Assurance Award.
The company can be any size; however, if it is a large business you should consider addressing one part only.
Your report presentation should be in the format of a professional document with a maximum of 2000 words.
You must cover the following points in detail:
• Provide an overview of a quality award to implement in your chosen organisation
• Critically examine the factors, which affect implementing the standard of quality assurance linked to your chosen Quality Award.
• Evaluate company performance and efficiency as a result of obtaining your chosen Quality Award.
Attachment:- Professional Practice and Quality Standards.rar