Mpm732 critical thinking-assignment problem

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Reference no: EM132376908

Critical Thinking MPM732

ASSIGNMENT  Speech and Reflection

Part one – Completing career dashboard, demonstrating understanding of the major issues and priorities as they relate to the two selected careers

Part two – Development of argument for one pathway incorporating a critical review of three diverse bodies of opinion

Part three – Persuasive oratory. Effective use of podcast speech to communicate and explain the career path you have identified, including specific models, concepts, using critical thinking analysis and discourse construction


You need to write speech about your career

The Vision: Facing the Challenges of My Industry

What will you achieve?

What will you contribute?

To your Organisation?

To your Industry?

Given the challenges that it will face

Flows from your Career Dashboard and Industry Research

Record the Speech

You need to write a 1000 speech about your future career

Focus on your contribution to your industry

Flows from your Career Dashboard and Industry Research


A recording of the speech

The 1000 word text of the speech

A 1000 word reflection of the speech

Using tools of Critical Thinking

Min 5 references for to provide academic credibility for the assignment.

The Form of the Assignment

One Word Document

The Text of the Speech

1000 words

The Reflection of the Speech

1000 words = 2000 words TOTAL

May include a link to the speech

Media Recording of the speech


Audio recording – eg mp3

Ppt File with recording embedded

Kaltura Recording


Title – Arouse Interest of Audience

Introduction – Set the scene (where and when)

Reference List – min 5 is suggestion

For Reflection

The Speech: Some Questions

What is the aim?

The Most Important Question

What is the structure?

Formal internal logic

Simple or Complex

Argument and Counterargument (Hegel)

Claims and Evidence

Dilts Logical Levels

Tricks and Argumentative Moves

Evaluation through Grice’s Maxims

Aristote: Logo, Pathos & Ethos

Literary Devices: Anaphora, metaphor, …….

Format of the Speech

FORMAT 1 Audio Recording

MP3 - MP4 - Wav

Common Formats so it can be opened

Simply Upload the File

Alternatively upload to location

Insert link within the Text File

Suggest also post link with upload

NOTE: Focus is on your Voice –

Clear, Articulate, Confident

With Volume

Format 2: Powerpoint

Create a PPT file

Emphasis is on the Pictures (not words)

To support your speech

Record directly into the PPT

Run the slides as you move through the speech

Need some technical skills so it is not clunky

Even flow of images (1 per 20 secs )

Avoid White Space

Do not use Clip Art or Cliché Images

Reduces the POWER of your talk

NOTE: Tends to Strengthen the Flow of Ideas

Using Right Brain and Left Brain

FORMAT 3 – Direct To Camera

This requires some extra expertise

Kaltura Capture Space on Deakin AIR

Also requires a leap of confidence

You get to see (and hear) what you look like

However the pay off

You develop another skill

You speak directly to the audience

The Title

This is where it all comes together

You set yourself apart

Less than one in 10 100 students create a title

You capture the audience’s attention and interest

At its best the title is



Has layers of meaning


People are fearful of what Trump might do?

People are fearful of what Trump knows

Or doesn’t know


It is Trump’s own words

‘Real power is when people fear you’

Last note

Check out the last line of the book

Woodward knows the power of a final sentence

It is not ‘Thank you for listening

Reference no: EM132376908

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Write a Review

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