Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM132639549


Imagine you are the Chief Executive of BP (British Petroleum), considering whether to invest money in the newly emerging oil-producing area of Turkmenistan. What does your company want (and want to avoid) from its investment? Choice of Mega Projects under consideration within this investment could be exploration and production, pipelines (oil and gas) construction, distribution lines, buffer/storage tanks onshore, advanced robotics/analytics/automation/artificial intelligence, local content capacity development, supply chain capacity, refinery capability, process plants or any other suitable mega projects within the oil-producing area of Turkmenistan that BP could consider.

First Step: You would need to clearly identify which specific type of Mega and Complex Project investment that you think critically and essential for BP to invest in Turkmenistan

Second Step: You then critically reflect on the following mega and complex project elements below - Select ANY 5 MEGA AND COMPLEX PROJECT PRINCIPLES FROM THE LIST BELOW. You can also include other elements from your own background research about this Mega and Complex Project:

• Project Management and Programme Management in Mega and Complex Projects/Programmes

• Level of Complexities around thisMega Project
• Gaps Analysis - Potential Issues, Problems and Challenges
• Project Management opportunities in thisMega Project
• Programme Management opportunities in thisMega Project

• Complex Business, Organisational and Commercial Environment

• Macro, Meso & Microin-depth appraisal & evaluation
• Organisational Complexities
• Structural Complexities
• Institutional Level Relationship Complexities
• Commercial (Financial and Contractual) Complexities
• Legalities Complexities
• Putting it together
• Project Management & Programme Management effective execution Complexities

• Multiple Stakeholders priorities and complexities - dealing with Government and Private Entities

• Stakeholders Management Problems, Challenges and Issues in thisMega Project
• NOC (National Oil Company) vs IOC (International Oil Company) vs Service Companies (Private) Joint Venture challenges, with JV or No JV
• Priorities assessment when dealing with different level of complexities
• Priorities level vs Complexities level, High Priority High Complexity, Low Priority Low Complexity, middle ground, etc.

• Optimum Bias

• Culture of over-commit, over-promise, over priced& under-deliver - why this continues to be a persistent problem/potential problem in thisMega Project
• Over/Under Estimate, Over/Under Bid, etc.
• NOC potentially short-changed by private entities or IOC, how to address and mitigate this?Major Countries, EU, Trade Blocsinfluence or any other potential socio-political factors? Any other potential Customers/Buyers?
• Procurement method (procurement frauds?)

• Strategic Misrepresentation of the inherent benefit and value of this Mega Project

• Miscalculated risk and value of theMega Project
• Unclear/Vague/Over-Stated benefit and value of theMega Project
• Further Gaps Analysis
• Effective benefit and value transition to the relevant stakeholders of this Mega Project

• Complexities in Phase by Phase Management - Whole Life Cycle Approach

• Programme Management Life Cycle for theMega Project
• Phase by phase, Stage by Stage, Activities by Activities Identification
• You could populate this content using visuals of the Project Life Cycle & Programme Life Cycle up to the benefit and value realisation

• Supply Chain Management (Strategic Procurement and Strategic Purchasing)

• Sketch the Supply Chain Diagram for thisMega Project
• Identify whom are the potential upstream, mid-stream and downstream stakeholders and partners
• Identify and critically appraise/evaluate whom are the routine, leverage, bottle-neck and strategic service providers (service providers refer to any government or private entities such as suppliers, contractors, sub-contractors, bottleneck and routine)

• Strategic Risk Management

• Identify & Critically reflect on potential Strategic Risk of thisMega Project
• E.g., Wide range EU break-up, Brexit, Covid 19 (During and Post) Not possible to secure long term purchase agreement, human rights records, potential oil and gas pipeline theft/leakages, local content challenges, local community potentially disadvantaged through thisProject, geo-political climate, cross-border, high CAPEX & OPEX, local content inclusivity, unsustainable production and refinery cost, continuing low oil and gas price, not recoverable, challenging oil and gas frontiers, engineering and technical complexities and challenges, technical and commercial capability and the ability to coordinate and stream line the work flows

• Governance

• Transparency & Accountability
• Lack of control mechanism
• Effective control and monitoring systems

• Procurement, Contracts Management, Contracts Administration

• Procurement Biasness and Fraud
• Complicated Bidding Schedule to Project Delivery
• Challenged and uncoordinated Contract Centres and Cost Centres
• Procurement's real Value for Monies
• Gaps between CAPEX and OPEX Purchasing (Strategic vs Operational)
• Centralised vs decentralised Procurement

• Cost/Time Control Practices

• Cost and time efficient mechanisms
• Capital Control and Capital Efficiency opportunities in thisMega Project

• Change Management

• How change management would be effectively managed in this Mega Project?

• Lessons Learnt and Lessons yet to be Learnt - what will go wrong and right in this Mega Project, experience and usability from other similar mega and complex project e.g., TSGP as discussed during our lectures and seminars applying any of these Mega and Complex Project principles

• Gaps Analysis - Missing Links

• Benefits and Value Management (VfM - Value for Monies) - Effective Control, Monitoring, Transition & Measurement, how to deliver value from the proposed Mega and Complex Project

• Sustainability - Deliver more with Less, Value for Monies, Sustainable PM & PgM for thisMega and Complex Project

• Project and Programme Management Methodology and Methods - Any strategic and new way of managing the proposed Mega and Complex Project

3000 words+/- 10% due 5th NOVEMBER 2020
» Cover Page - Full Name, Gulf College Student Number, when you upload your final report on Turnitin please SAVE in the following convention: GulfCollegeStudentNumberFullName
» Table of Content - With Clear Sections, Sub-Section and cross-referenced with correct page numbers for ease of readability and navigation
» Executive Summary - Concise and condensed summary of the overall report - the start, mid and end (so, assessors will know in advance and initially what to expect in the report (use the 5Ws1H principle - What, Where, Who (m), When, Why, How
» Introduction - Brief overview on which 5 Mega and Complex Principles that you are going to use, critique, analyse and evaluate
» Body of the Report - ANY 5 Mega and Complex Principles/Themes from the above list and you could also use, apply and reflect from your own background research, reading and learning from this module's content to steer, shape and focus the content of your report. Emphasis is on the critical analysis and critical evaluation, depth, academic rigour, quality of citations and references, please use references from 2015 and above, as the nature of mega and complex project is very dynamic and changes all the time
» Recommendation - On how to improve and enhance the practice of Management of Mega and Complex Project methods and methodologies, how to achieve value for monies from the Mega and Complex Project
» Conclusion
» List of references - As mentioned above please use references from 2015 and above (HARVARD FORMAT ONLY)
» List of Appendixes - ONLY if necessary - Please ensure appendixes have their narratives (paragraphs) discussed in the main body of the report

Attachment:- Complex Project.rar

Reference no: EM132639549

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9/22/2020 1:26:14 AM

irst Step: You would need to clearly identify which specific type of Mega and Complex Project investment that you think critically and essential for BP to invest in Turkmenistan Second Step: You then critically reflect on the following mega and complex project elements below – Select ANY 5 MEGA AND COMPLEX PROJECT PRINCIPLES FROM THE LIST BELOW. You can also include other elements from your own background research about this Mega and Complex Project

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