Moving an entire it department to cloud infrastructure

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM133238145

IT project management

Topic proposal : Moving an entire IT department to Cloud infrastructure.

Question 1. Present a tentative title for your topic.

Question 2. Briefly describe how the topic relates to project management.

Question 3. State a concrete, specific research question to guide your review of the literature. (State the research question in true question format, not as an intention or objective)

Question 4. List at least one suitable reference source in APA format related to your topic.

Reference no: EM133238145

Questions Cloud

What recommendations would you have business functions : Information Technology Essay - What recommendations would you have for critical and essential business functions for that business
What security measures are you currently implementing : Cybercrime has grown exponentially over the years and has become increasingly common. What security measures are you currently implementing
How did the organizations use of ebdm affect them : How did the organization's use of EBDM affect them? Discuss any positives or negatives the company experienced using this EBDM method
Explain why the current process or system needs improvement : Rationale (defines why) Explain why the current process or system needs improvement. If possible, include baseline data and other benchmarks
Moving an entire it department to cloud infrastructure : Moving an entire IT department to Cloud infrastructure, Briefly describe how the topic relates to project management and List at least one suitable reference
Discuss special populations and considerations for bipolar : Discuss special populations and considerations (children, adolescents, pregnancy/post-partum, older adult, emergency care) for your chosen bipolar
Creating a survey questionnaire : Creating a survey questionnaire. Although you will develop this assignment on your own, you will collaborate next week to combine the individual surveys
How walmart is managing ethics and social responsibility : Assess how Walmart is managing ethics and social responsibility as one of largest corporations in the world. Evaluate various ethical issues Walmart has faced
Comparison of features found in google cloud platform : Comparison of features found in Google Cloud Platform or Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of both platforms


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