Move a single quote to a field or set the value clause

Assignment Help COBOL Programming
Reference no: EM131138264

How do I move a single QUOTE to a field or set the value clause? does not work?

Reference no: EM131138264

Questions Cloud

Efficiently deliver differentiated products and control cost : What are some ways an organization can effectively and efficiently deliver differentiated products and control costs at the same time? Include an example of an organization.
Organization dashboard presented to board of directors : Imagine you are the quality of care executive for your organization .Your CEO has asked for your recommendations on 3 - 5 quality indicator metrics that should be included on the organization’s dashboard presented to the board of directors.
What are the risks of concealing mistakes and errors : In 3500-500 words explain what are the risks of revealing mistakes in an open culture, as a way of being transparent with patients and families? What are the risks of concealing mistakes and errors
How the identified models can be applied to the same group : Compare and contrast any two theoretical models from the assigned readings. Analyze these theories by discussing the strengths and limitations of their applications. Discuss how the identified models can be applied to the same group or issue you e..
Move a single quote to a field or set the value clause : How do I move a single QUOTE to a field or set the value clause?
Consumer ethnocentrism to segment consumers : Is there likely to be a difference in personality traits between individuals who readily purchase foreign-made products versus those who prefer American-made products? How can marketers use the personality variable of consumer ethnocentrism to segmen..
Discuss policy as a communicative instrument : Discuss policy as a communicative instrument. Use a specific example of a health policy (e.g., no peanuts in schools) and consider what the policy communicates and how and whether or not it is effective in fulfilling its purpose
Questions related to the articles from the economist : questions related to the articles from The Economist:- Are price controls good or bad? - What do price controls have to do with basketball?- What is the consumer surplus of the internet?
Determine which type of cache memory is the most efficient : Examine the primary manner in which the type of cache memory that you have identified interfaces with the CPU and memory on your computer. Determine which type of cache memory is the most efficient, and provide one (1) example that depicts the man..


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COBOL Programming Questions & Answers

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  Major difference between file and array

Major difference between file and array - how does record read from array and file

  Calculate the size of monthly payment

Calculate the size of monthly payment necessary to repay a loan - Compute interest payment for each period and When computing the amortization table the program should report for the end of each year (12 month period) the total of payments, total of..

  Display a report of overall averages for each student

Your job is to display a report of the above information that includes overall averages for each student for exams 1 through 4, and class averages

  Cobol assignment

For this program you will use a file INFILE (listed here in numbers) that has information about students and their grades on 4 exams. The input file is shown below:

  Produce a sequential maintenance program

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