Motivation is culture bound

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133464853


1. Perception is selective, learned, culturally determined, consistent, and accurate. Which word does not belong:

a. learned

b. culturally determined

c. consistent

d. accurate

2. According to Ratiu, managers identified as "________ internationally effective" by their col- leagues altered their stereotypes to fit the actual people involved, whereas managers identified as "________ internationally effective" maintained their stereotypes even in the face of contradictory information.

a. least, most

b. internally, externally

c. externally, internally

d. most, least


How many Fs are there

a. 3

b. 4

c. 5

d. None of the above

4. Expectancy theories claim that people are driven by the expectation that their acts will produce certain _______________.

a. results.

b. rewards.

c. compensation.

d. Dispensations

5. In countries where individualism dominates, employees see their relationship with the organization from a___________ perspective; whereas in collectivist societies, the ties between the individual and the organization rely on a _______ component

a. calculative, moral

b. exchange, cultural

c. transactional, cultural

d. calculative, cultural

6. In countries where __________ dominates, for example, employees see their relationship with the organization from a calculative perspective; whereas in collectivist societies, the ties between the individual and the organization rely on a moral component

a. individualism

b. self-awareness

c. collectivism

d. power distance

7. People commit to work long into the night and contribute everything they have to give, not when they are merely motivated, but when they are _____________.

a. paid well.

b. inspired.

c. feeling threatened.

d. culturally bound

8. Underlying projected similarityissubconscious__________________.

a. cultural awareness.

b. parochialism.

c. being enlightened.

d. dualism.

9. _____________ reality never forces us to examine our assumptions or the extent to which they are culturally based, because we share them with most other citizens of our country.

a. Home culture

b. Diversity

c. Stereotyping

d. Self-imaging

10. ______________________, for example, refers to "a person's capability to adapt effectively to new cultural contexts"

a. Emotional intelligence

b. Empathetic intelligence

c. Cultural intelligence

d. Cognitive intelligence

11. Even more than perception and interpretation, cultural conditioning strongly affects evaluation



12. Motivation is culture bound.



13. Although we may believe that the biggest obstacle to conducting business around the world is understanding foreigners, the greater difficulty actually involves becoming aware of our own cultural conditioning.



14. Emotionally intelligent managers suspend judgment and understand the nuances of diverse situations, while striving to contain their instinctive ethnocentrism



15. Employees with collectivist values make organizational commitments because of their personal ties to managers, owners, and co-workers (collectivism) and much less because of the nature of the job or the particular compensation scheme (individualistic incentives).



16. Expectancy theories depend on the extent to which people believe they have control over the outcomes of their efforts, as well as on managers' abilities to identify desired rewards, both of which vary across cultures.



17. Our background, values, interests, and culture act as filters and lead us to distort, block, and even create what we choose to see and to hear.



18. Our culture background determines both the categories we use and the meanings we attach to them.



19. Stereotypes, like other forms of categories, can be helpful



20. The rewards people want from work tend to be universal from culture to culture.



Reference no: EM133464853

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