Reference no: EM133159327
The Practical Connection paper requires you to synthesize information you learned in this course with functions of the workplace. Since this course is eight-weeks, you will utilize a fictional workplace from television (TV). You will need to choose an episode of a TV show that takes place in a work setting. Some examples are The Office, Parks & Recreation, Grey's Anatomy, Scrubs, Brooklyn Nine Nine, 30 Rock, Silicon Valley, The Good Wife, Mad Men, The West Wing, Madame Secretary, Suits, etc. Choose an episode that features the workplace as a core feature (versus Don Draper's past in the case of Mad Men or ridiculous romantic drama in the case of Grey's Anatomy). The episode should be at least 30 minutes. Your paper should include the following components:
Title of show and name of the specific episode (e.g., 30 Rock, Season 2, episode 3)
A one or two paragraph summary of the main plot points. Focus on the parts that relate to workplace psychology and that pertain your explanation in #3 below.
Explain how certain plot points in the episode (or maybe just one plot point if it's juicy enough) relate to some concept or concepts that we have covered in class, such as recruitment, selection, training, motivation and job performance of individuals at work. Be sure to touch on why this relates to the specific concept and how it overlaps with what was covered in class. Add any other additional insights that you glean from watching this with your newly minted I/O psychology lens.