Motivated-intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133187919

You learn about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. In addition, you look at two ways in which everyone is motivated-intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

Everyone has needs that they must fulfill. These needs are what motivate people to seek out education and training, a career path, or hobbies and interests.

Check out the list of needs on your textbook, The Best Team Wins. Then, choose the top three needs that motivate you. Why do you find these motivating? Are they intrinsic or extrinsic motivators?

The list: Autonomy, Challenge, Creativity, Developing others, Empathy, Excelling, Excitement, Family, Friendship, Fun, Impact, Learning, Money, Ownership, Pressure, Prestige, Problem Solving, Purpose, Recognition, Service, Social Responsibility, Teamwork, Variety.

Reference no: EM133187919

Questions Cloud

Discuss the importance of governance : Discuss the importance of GOVERNANCE. What are the strategies in creating a good governance.
Regarding measuring impact of knowledge management : Regarding Measuring the impact of knowledge management, What is the Analytics? What is your perspective of "the power of Analytics" ?
Evaluate policy-making process and policy structure : Evaluate the policy-making process and policy structure within the healthcare system at the state and federal level.
Regarding building knowledge sharing culture : Regarding building a knowledge sharing culture, What are the key to knowledge Management and Why? What are your examples?
Motivated-intrinsic and extrinsic motivation : You learn about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. In addition, you look at two ways in which everyone is motivated-intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
Impact on sales people motivation and performance : Define and explain intrinsic and extrinsic rewards and its impact on sales people motivation and performance?
How might lenders mitigate agency costs : Suppose your company raises funds from outside lenders. What type of agency costs might occur? How might lenders mitigate the agency costs?
Product development : Justify the purpose of the selected health care establishments' product(s) / service (s) and their associated life cycle(s).
Difference between financial and managerial accounting : Explain the difference between financial and managerial accounting. In your answer, describe the different audiences for the two types of accounting


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