Most of us use critical reading strategies everyday

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131131123

Unit 8: Summary and Response (1) - Assignment Major Paper #3-Summary/Response

We will be working on this assignment for the next three units. In this unit, we will focus on the. ummary. In Unit 9, we millibar on the strong response. Unit JO is designed to provide time for revision. The paper will be due at the end of Unit #10.


Most of us use critical reading strategies everyday to effectively process all of the information we are consistently bombarded with. This assignment allows you continue to explore ideas of reading and writing rhetorically, as you will use different strategies to write your summary and your strong response.

The Assignment:

This assignment will have two parts:

1. Summary

Summarize in 150-200 words the article your instructor has chosen front the assignment: "Children Need to Play, Not Compete," on pages 250-255 of your 10th edition textbook (or pages 270-274 of your 9th edition textbook).

• In this summary, you should relay the article's main points, completely and accurately, in your own words. If you find yourself in a situation in which the author's words needed to be quoted directly (perhaps for emphasis), you must make it clear that these words are the author's by using quotation marks appropriately. You will not want to quote anything over one sentence in length, and you will want to limit yourself to no more than 2-3 direct quotes, if you use any at all. Remember that the whole point of this portion of the assignment is for you to restate the author's points objectively in your own words.

In general, I recommend you structure your first sentence something like this:

In "Children Need to Play, Not Compete, Jessica Statsky...

This will function as the thesis statement of your summary, so this first sentence will need to convey the main point(s) of the article to give your reader an overall view.

Reference no: EM131131123

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Most of us use critical reading strategies everyday : We will be working on this assignment for the next three units. In this unit, we will focus on the. ummary. In Unit 9, we millibar on the strong response. Unit JO is designed to provide time for revision. The paper will be due at the end of Unit #10.
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