Most americans get enough protein

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133446106

Most Americans get enough protein. And, yet we often believe more protein is better. Food sources of protein may be derived from either animal or plant sources. Answer the following questions about protein in your daily diet.

1. How would you calculate your protein needs in grams? Include the calculation.

2. Do you need to include protein shakes and/or bars in your diet? If so, discuss the nutritional quality of these products. If not, discuss why you do not use these products.

3. Do you want to make any changes in your protein sources? Think about what else you are getting from your protein sources. For example, to limit the amount of saturated fat, you may want to choose leaner cuts of meat. If high sodium was a challenge for you, you might want to eliminate processed meats.

4. How will your protein needs change as you age or if your activity level changes?

5. Did you include any plant sources of protein? If you did, what were they. If you did not, will you make an effort to include plant protein in the future?

Reference no: EM133446106

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