More effective communication tool for marketing managers

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132278355

In every job there is some sales and marketing that must go on. You must persuade your boss to accept a new entrepreneurial idea; you must convince a team of colleagues that a particular strategy will work as just two examples. Suppose that a new Social Media Marketing program is being developed for your school. As an Administrator, how would you advertise it and find support for this new program?

• What would be your goals in terms of advertising this new program to current and prospective students?

• What type of advertising strategy would you suggest for this new Social Media Marketing major?

• How is advertising and sales promotion similar? Dissimilar?

• Which do you think is a more effective communication tool for marketing managers and why?

Reference no: EM132278355

Questions Cloud

How that particular amendment could effect a business : Give an example of how that particular amendment could effect a business.
Determine local healthcare system : Determine a local healthcare system and develop their branding by completing the last page of the Branding Exercise for the chosen healthcare system.
To prepare the upcoming party : To prepare the upcoming party, together with your two best friends, you want to produce 100 bagel sandwiches with ham, cheese, and veggies on them.
State organization vision-mission and goals-objectives : State organization’s vision, mission and goals/objectives. Identify targeted market segment and customers or people the organization provide services/product to
More effective communication tool for marketing managers : Which do you think is a more effective communication tool for marketing managers and why?
Analyze the human behavior in the organization : Choose any organization and analyze the human behavior in the organization, as seen through Organisational Behaviour practices and principles,
Whistleblower policies set forth guidelines and procedures : Whistleblower policies set forth guidelines and procedures for how companies address ethical grievances among concerned employees.
Organization on the topic of contextual strategy : Write a business case proposal to the Senior Management using the organization of your choice or any organization on the topic of contextual strategy
Destroy your professional presence : All of the information that is available on the internet about you can be used to help form or destroy your professional presence.


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