Monitor and improve thinking practices assignment

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133169859

BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others

Task - Monitor and improve thinking practices

You have been engaged as a consultant by MMI Professional Education to support the development of critical thinking skills in departmental managers.

You are required to:

1. Analyse and evaluate critical and creative thinking in the organisation

2. Establish an environment that encourages critical and creative thinking in the organisation

3. Monitor and improve thinking practices

It has been designed to evaluate your ability to/competency in:

• Collect and analyse feedback from individuals and teams on critical and creative thinking opportunities
• Identify additional support required for teams and individuals
• Develop recommendations for improvements in future learning arrangements according to relevant legislation and organisation policies

You are required to address the following:
• Task 3.1 Monitor and improve thinking practices
o Analyse, evaluate and provide recommendations about the scenarios provided
• submit the completed assessment tasks, according to instructions,
• complete the tasks with sufficient detail and present them in a professional manner,
• use your own words and reference sources appropriately,
• meet the word count where required,
• use the scenario provided,
• use the templates provided where required,
• for your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task you must satisfactorily address all of the assessment criteria,
• if part of this task is not satisfactorily completed you will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate satisfactory performance.

Task 3.1 Monitor and improve thinking practices

Assume that you are now three months into implementing initiatives to develop critical and creative thinking skills in the management team.
The following scenarios occurred:


The CEO informs you that the Marketing Manager submitted an issue report about a seminar for education agents that his team is organising. The CEO is disappointed by how the Marketing Manager is handling the issue because he is not proposing any innovative solution: ‘He is simply not going to use the show bags. What are we going to do with 500 show bags made specifically for this event?' he says.

You have received the following feedback about the Marketing Manager:
• Works long hours and starts working again very early in the morning
• Low productivity
• His team does not feel supported
• He does not consider process improvement a priority
• The marketing team is not involved in the decision-making
• The Marketing Manager is jovial and engaged when working with the other departmental manager


You have followed the organisational policy and procedures and introduced the departmental managers and their teams to the training programs listed below
You collected the following feedback:
• 1-Online induction for newly appointed team members
Feedback: The online induction is well structured; however, it is generic. It does not address the specific needs of the individual teams.
• 2- Engaged guest speakers to meet with the teams every two months to address different topics such as:
o Design Thinking
o Decision-Making
o Communicate effectively
o Active listening
Feedback: Participation in these events is low (45%) because teams prefer to stay back and work on their daily tasks.
• 3- Monthly ‘Think Tank' meeting with the departmental managers, CEO, and the CFO to discuss issues and improvements.
Feedback: The initiative has been successful; however, it runsfor too long (3 hours rather than 2 hours).
• 4- Established a reward program with a budget of $1,000/months to reward the best team (criteria: adherence to policies and procedures, the achievement of monthly milestones, meet budget, have the lowest number of issues reported).

Feedback:Teams welcomed the initiative; however, they think that the criteria do not reward teams that succeeded against challenging circumstancesby applying critical and creative thinking skills.

Develop a report (Template 1) in the form of personal notes to evaluate the two scenarios, determine lessons learned and provide recommendations for improvement.

Attachment:- Monitor and improve thinking practices.rar

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In this assignment we discussed about Application of emotional intelligence, the relationship between emotionally effective people and the attainment of business objectives, emotional intelligence principles, 4 key strategies for communicating with a diverse workforce that has varying cultural expressions of emotions. Further, the discussion is made on three effective methods which can help to develop emotional intelligence in others and How does emotional intelligence benefits workplace relationships? We concluded that When it comes to interpersonal relationships at work, emotional intelligence provides a wide range of advantages because it enables people to work more effectively together.

Reference no: EM133169859

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Monitor and improve thinking practices assignment : Monitor and improve thinking practices Assignment Help and Solution - Establish an environment that encourages critical and creative thinking in organisation
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