Module dissertation and proposal designwriting

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM13376555 , Length: 1 page

Module: Dissertation and Proposal Design

Writing Requirement

• Read the original post written by other students;
• You do not need to analysis the original post (i.e what is the analyzed and what is the advantage), only give suggestion, there is an example attached at below;
• To write at least200 words with academic reference or theoretical frameworks for the solution; no plagiarism, fabrication or direct citation without referencing;
• Referencing style must be in Harvard style, if it is an internet source link must be incl.;
• Good English expression without grammar errors;
• Based on the above requirement to compose solution (suggestion) for the authors.

You must deliver one solution within 12 hours after the work is started


Discuss the similarities and differences between mixed methods approach and survey design.I am looking forward to receiving your thoughts.

Reference no: EM13376555

Questions Cloud

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Module dissertation and proposal designwriting : module dissertation and proposal designwriting requirementbullread the original post written by other studentsbullyou
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