Modularizing code and sorting techniques

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Reference no: EM13804114

Discussion 1L "Modularizing Code" Please respond to the following:

1) Imagine you are a part of a team that is tasked with writing a mobile application (app) that will allow users to send pictures to their friends. The manager does not want to waste time creating code modules. Describe at least one (1) advantage of modularizing code for this type of task. Justify your response.

2) Using the scenario from the first part of this discussion, imagine that the same team wants to ensure that the code that they have developed is free of errors. Suggest at least one (1) best practice that the team can implement or follow to help prevent coding errors in the app. Provide a rationale for your suggestion.

Discussion 2: "Sorting Techniques" Please respond to the following:

1) Imagine you are a part of a team that is tasked with writing a mobile app that will allow users to coordinate meetings with their business contacts. The team wants to sort the relevant data by user specified criteria. Determine whether or not you believe this type of sorting would be a useful feature for the app. Provide a rationale for your response.

2) Using the scenario from the first part of this discussion, imagine that the same team needs to devise a viable method for sorting the data by user-specified criteria. Support or challenge the use of the bubble sort technique as the team's ideal choice for sorting the data by user-specified criteria. Justify for your position.

Reference no: EM13804114

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