Modify the matlab code

Assignment Help MATLAB Programming
Reference no: EM13861872

Read and understand the 2-D solution of the Laplace's equation in Examples 6.5 and 6.6 in your text book. Then modify the MATLAB code provided at the end of the example, and use it to draw the equipotential lines as well as the flux lines on two different plots and then combine them on one single plot, for each case. Consider the following cases:

1) A constant voltage V0 = 10.

2) A variable voltage V0 = 10sin (4Πx/b), y = a, 0≤x≤b

3) A Variable voltage V0 = 5sin(Πx/b) + 0.25sin(3Πx/b) y = a, 0≤x≤b

Use a=3cm and b=6.0cm.

You are to submit a report in hardcopy format. In the report, you need to provide a summary of the analytical solution of the problem and show the steps in finding the final solution for the potential function. Then present your results in figures with an explanation to each figure and
the case considered. Finally, your complete MATLAB code should be placed at the end of the report in an appendix. Make sure your code is clear.

Reference no: EM13861872

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