Modify default avatar with something that resembles yourself

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132209341

Create an account a virtual world site, like second life, inworldz, world of warcraft, minecraft, etc. If you already have an account on one of these sites, skip to step 4.

Modify the default avatar with something that resembles yourself

Spend some time exploring your world

In at least 500 words, describe your experience generating the avatar

Your write up should focus on the process of creating your avatar, any problems you encountered, additions you wish were available, or any other points you find pertinentWrite about it:

Include at least 2 images (screen shots) of your finalized avatar

Reference no: EM132209341

Questions Cloud

Create account virtual world site and like second life : Create an account a virtual world site, like second life, inworldz, world of warcraft, minecraft, etc.
How electronic medical record hinder delivery of health care : Health care has become to depend on information technology (IT) to deliver, monitor, and communicate health care delivery. Discuss the role IT has on.
Prepare a public relations and public communication campaign : PRS303 - Public Relations Management and Tactics - a real company and a real PR issue - outlining the PR errors made by a company
Describe how an educator would implement the method : Your goal is to suggest observation and assessment strategies that would best support the children in your program.
Modify default avatar with something that resembles yourself : Modify the default avatar with something that resembles yourself. describe your experience generating the avatar.
Define organization can do to ensure compliance with the act : For each of the following acts, provide a summary of the act, a real word example of how the act was violated, the role of the EEOC in and what the organization
Memorizing presentation is risky move : Memorizing a presentation is a risky move. How would you describe the main difference between a functional organization and a Projectized organization?
Which article do you think is more credible and why : Choose a topic that is highly debated in the education world such as the use of standardized tests, single-gender classrooms, technology in education.
Research philosophy and quantitative methodologies : Post an analysis of the relationship between your personal research philosophy and quantitative and qualitative methodologies.


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Operation Management Questions & Answers

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Why has the white-collar world been relatively unreceptive unionization while the blue-collar world has been more receptive?

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The standard deviation across all bottles was 0.8 degree. When constructing an X-bar chart, what would be the upper control limit?

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