Modern employment relationship and investigate

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131153444 , Length: word count:2500

Details of what you are expected to do:

1. Rationale

The cornerstone of all human resource (HR) management activity is the employment relationship - as a legal, social, economic and psychological exchange. This unit will provide learners with a comprehensive understanding of employment relations perspectives and debates, both national and international, from a theoretical and behavioural competency perspective. Accordingly, the unit is intended to provide (potential) HR practitioners with the skills to provide contemporary advice that is appropriate in the circumstances to the organisation, managers and staff as and when required.

Hence this assignment asks you to select one issue that is present in the modern employment relationship and investigate this in depth in the context of the academic knowledge and evidence available on the topic.

2. The learning outcomes being assessed

This assessment assesses learning outcomes 1-5.
3. Overview of assignment
Please complete the following task using no more than 2,500 words making references to the appropriate management and HR literature.
Write a comprehensive literature review on ONE of the following topics:
- Developments in Bureaucracy Theory
- Developments in Transaction Cost Theory
- Developments in Stakeholder Theory
- Developments in Contigency Theory
- High performance work practices
- Incentive Schemes and their effects on individual behaviour
- Public Service Motivation
- Public Service Reform

Client comments:- this is the assignment. For 2500 words and you have to Write literature review

Reference no: EM131153444

Questions Cloud

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Write a Review

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