Models of strategic human resource management

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131551976

Introduction to Task:

Select an organisation with which you are familiar to be the focus for your case study. This could be:
- your current employer
- a previous employer
- an organisation that you have or have had contact with, possibly through work experience or through a family member or close friend, or
- an organisation you have an interest in that has readily available information on its structure, the ways in which they manage their staff and how the company organises its HRM activities and functions.

The size and the structure of your chosen organisation is not important since all organisations employ people and, therefore, manage their ‘human resources' in some way. What is important, however, is that you have some knowledge and understanding of the approach the company uses to strategically manage HRM to recruit, retain and manage their staff and how they organise their HRM activities and functions.

You will use this knowledge to produce a 3000 word report [+ 10%] in which you will critically assess existing HRM practices within the organisation, making recommendations as appropriate to those who run the business on where and how improvements can be made. It is strongly suggested that each task represents a sub-section of your report and that you also include a brief introduction to the organisation, conclusion and recommendations.

Task 1

Critically analyse the internal and external environment for your chosen organisation, making reference to appropriate literature sources.

Task 2

Using appropriate concepts and models of strategic Human Resource Management critically evaluate a variety of human resource policies and procedures. (A minimum of two is required).

Task 3

Make recommendations relating to the attraction and retention of talent to support the future performance of your chosen organisation. This may be the adoption of new approaches to HRM or new methods of managing the human resources of the organisation. In this section you should also demonstrate awareness of barriers to implementation which may include cultural differences alongside different working practices and legislation.

Verified Expert

Here in this assignment, I select FedEx organization which is a service organization; FedEx organization in Australia contribute around 16.3% to GDP and this has remained largely unchanged since 2004. In task one, I critically analyze the internal and external environment for FedEx organization. In task 2, I select theories such as Basic Needs Hierarchy Theory, Equity Theory, and Human Capital Theory. Models of Strategic Human Resource Management I select for the task are: (i) The Guest, (ii) The Harvard.

Reference no: EM131551976

Questions Cloud

Utilize current gpa as the dependent variable : Use SPSS to develop a multiple regression model with the example survey 1 dataset on the website. Utilize current GPA as the dependent variable.
Develop a multiple regression model : Use SPSS to develop a multiple regression model with the example survey 1 dataset on the website. Utilize how many hours of television watched per week.
Explain the importance of overcoming cross-cultural barriers : Explain the contribution of cultural sensitivity and cultural intelligence to leadership effectiveness.
Determine the given values based on simultaneous entry : You are given the following data, where X1 (participation in high school honors classes; yes = 1, no = 0; use 0 as the reference category).
Models of strategic human resource management : HRM325 - Strategic Human Resource Management - Critically analyse the internal and external environment for your chosen organisation.
Compare the feasibility of the above three proposals : How should the factors or criteria be ranked in order to compare the feasibility of the above three proposals?
How do you believe government can best balance security : Balancing Security and Preserving Civil Liberties- How do you believe government can best balance security and civil liberties regarding this and related issue?
Find at least two strong predictors : Use SPSS to develop a logistic regression model with the example survey 1 dataset on the website. Utilize "do you smoke" as the dependent (binary) variable.
Focus on transportation and customer relationship management : Include all materials to serve, including packaging and condiments.Focus on transportation and customer relationship management.



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7/3/2017 6:07:40 AM

86 – 100% The work examined is exemplary and provides clear evidence of a complete grasp of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification. There is also unequivocal evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are fully satisfied. At this level it is expected that the work will be exemplary in all the categories cited above. It will demonstrate a particularly compelling evaluation, originality, and elegance of argument, interpretation or discourse. 76-85% The work examined is excellent and demonstrates comprehensive knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification. There is also excellent evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that level are fully satisfied. At this level it is expected that the work will be excellent in the majority of the categories cited above or by demonstrating particularly compelling evaluation and elegance of argument, interpretation or discourse and there may be some evidence of originality


7/3/2017 6:07:22 AM

Submission of Assessment: • A single electronic document containing all reports and other documentation (i.e. explanations, output reports and page images of graphic tools etc. pertaining to all tasks). • Font size should be at least 11, and 1 ½ line spacing should be used. • The word count is 3000 words [+ 10%] not including any appendices. • The document should be properly structured with a table of contents, reference list (online and literature sources) and appendices (where necessary). • Produce clear and specific reasoning to justify answers. • Work containing viruses, or work that cannot be opened, will result in a fail grade being awarded for this assessment. • The document should be submitted via SunSpace for Turnitin and JIRA for marking. • It is advisable to retain a copy of your assignment for you own records. • Your mark and feedback will be made available to you electronically once the internal moderation process has taken place, you should note that at this stage marks are still subject to external examiner and academic board approval.


7/3/2017 6:07:12 AM

Need best Quality solution. Kindly follow everything given in assignment - Guidance Complete all the tasks in order. Consult with your tutor if you are uncertain about any aspect of the assignment. Instructions on Assessment: You will need to research appropriate literature and make use of both lecture and seminar input. Use examples and in particular any organisational comparisons that may be appropriate. Always reference your work using the correct conventions. Word limits for assignments The word count is to be declared on the front page of your assignment. The word count does not include: • Title and Contents page • Executive Summary • Glossary • Reference List • Bibliography • Appendices • Appropriate tables, figures and illustrations

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