Reference no: EM13762288
M8 Assignment 1: Models of Cultural Identity Development
In this module, you learned different ways in which mental health professionals can increase their multicultural competence.
In this course, you have explored your own multiculturalism and the various multicultural characteristics that contribute to you as an individual and a member of diverse groups. As you have learned, some researchers have created models that help us understand people's racial and cultural identity development (Sue & Sue, 2012). Using the framework of a cultural identity model to explore your own cultural identity will allow you the opportunity to become more familiar with the application of such models to an individual (i.e., yourself). Hopefully, this practice will increase your ability to apply such models to clients with whom you may work in the future.
Using your readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and scholarly sites on the Internet, respond to the following points in a minimum of 200 words:
• Select a model of cultural identity development that you think best applies to your own cultural identity.
• Summarize the model. For example, is the model applicable to a specific racial or cultural group or is it more generic in application? Does the model contain steps or phases of cultural identity development? If so, what are those stages or phases of development? Does everyone go through the steps noted in the model? Do people go through the steps in the same sequence? How was the model developed? For example, is it based on theory only or is it based on some type of research? Note that you may want to address other aspects of your model in your summary.
• Explain how the model applies to your own cultural identity development (I'm African MAmerican Male).
Submission Details:
• By Friday, June 26, 2015, post your responses to this Discussion Area.
• Through Saturday, June 27, 2015, respond to at least two of your classmates' posts. While responding, comment on your classmates' description of a cultural identity development model and their explanation of that model's application to their own cultural identity development.
Assignment 1 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Summarized the model of cultural identity development. 8
Explained how the model applies to your own cultural identity development. 8
Articulated key points in a clear, logical, and professional manner, with supporting evidence wherever required; actively contributed to the discussion by providing points of view with rationale, challenging points of the discussion, or drawing relationships between points of the discussion. 4
Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 4
Total: 24
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