Modelling integration of mnch commodity logistics

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Reference no: EM131251032 , Length: 15000 Words

Write a Dissertation on Topic: "Modelling integration of MNCH commodity logistics and supply chain management on outcomes of MNCH services in Nigeria"

It includes the Table of IndexCHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION.. 4

  • Introduction. 4
  • Research Problem.. 7
  • Aim of the research. 7
  • Specific Objectives. 7
  • Research Questions. 8
  • Structure of Study. 8
  • Chapter 02 Literature Review.. 11
  • Supply Chain Improvement 11
  • Background and Existing Efforts. 11
  • Forecasting/quantification. 11
  • Procurement and distribution. 12
  • Logistics Management Information Systems. 15
  • Challenges. 15
  • Lack of information across the supply chain. 16
  • Unavailability of sufficient data: 16
  • Lack of collaboration and integration between supply chain partners: 16
  • Difference of price levels. 17
  • Proposed supply chain improvements. 17
  • Phase I: Landscape Analysis and Opportunity Identification. 18
  • Phase II: Supply chain redesign implementation for essential medicines. 19
  • Phase 3: Evaluation and refinement 20
  • CHAPTER 03 Methodology. 21
  • Research Method. 21
  • Data Collection Method. 22
  • Sampling Method. 22
  • Research Approach. 22
  • Research Purpose. 23
  • Research Strategy. 23
  • Ethical Issues. 24
  • Research Limitations. 24
  • Chapter 04 Discussion and Analysis. 26
  • Analytical Frameworks. 26
  • Definition of variables. 27
  • Preliminary analysis on the reliability of mother's reporting of birth size. 27
  • Independent variables. 30
  • Association between size of baby at birth and selected characteristics. 35
  • Multivariate logistic regression estimates. 37
  • Factors associated with the size of a baby at birth in urban and rural areas. 37
  • Tetanus toxoid injections. 39
  • Information on pregnancy complications. 41
  • Timing of antenatal visit 42
  • Socioeconomic status (SES) 43
  • Mothers' status in decision-making. 47
  • Maternal nutritional status. 47
  • Model 48
  • Incomplete and inadequate data. 49
  • Limited coordination capacity. 50
  • Differentials in Price and commodity availability. 50
  • Demographic Risk Factors. 50
  • Chapter 05: Conclusion. 52
  • References. 55

Your disseration must be written in 15,000 words count, 

Access to medical facilities is a basic necessity of every individual and is considered as a priority need by the World Health Organization. Nigeria has long suffered for an acute shortage of medical facilities, but now Nigeria's Federal Health Ministry (FMOH) has partnered with donors to control and fight maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) related illness, still these ailments remain to be high in Nigeria. The preterm birth, inadequate vaccination and severe infections lead to death of newborn babies. In statistics children from countries with low income group are more likely to die before they reach the age of five as compared to children from rich countries. The Newborn death rate in Nigeria is considered as the second highest in the world. The National drug policy is a central document that covers elements from the selection to distribution and use of the health care products in public and private health care facilities (Oyediran, 1981).

Research Problem
"Access to medical facilities is an integral need and basic necessity for every individual and is considered as a need that should be in priority list of governments. People in Nigeria have for long suffered with acute shortage of medical facilities due to inadequate supply of medical commodities and facilities. The research study is based on the integration of the supply chain responsible for supplying medical (MNCH) commodities and its outcomes on the MNCH services in Nigeria"

Aim of the research
The research is aimed at evaluating and assessing the outcome of integration of logistic and supply chain management of MNCH commodities on service delivery using dynamic modelling approach

Verified Expert

The study provided a direct test of the validity of the two schools of thought regarding the role of prenatal care on low birth weight. The results of this study, although are to a large extent consistent with findings from previous studies regarding factors that affect the size of a baby at birth, provides new findings for the literature on birth weight. This study critically explored the relationship between antenatal care and size of a baby at birth with and without adjusting for socioeconomic indicators. While previous studies on low birth weight in Nigeria have considered the role of prenatal care, maternal nutrition, age and other socioeconomic factors using hospital data, this study is based on a representative and recent DHS survey data for 2003. In addition to the difference in data source, this study provides some results that extend the existing literature.

Reference no: EM131251032

Questions Cloud

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