Modeling a game using turing machine

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Reference no: EM13757842

Modeling a Game Using Turing Machine

Select a game that can be modeled by a simple Turing machine. It should take a series of inputs (such as a set of moves by a player) and use the tape and table to compute the outcome of whether the player won or lost. Guessing games work well for this where the tape will house the guesses by the player in order. When working with Turing machines, you may wish to represent the concept through a game of Tic Tac Toe.

Create a report in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document to describe how the Turing machine will act on the input.

Your report should include the following:

A brief explanation of the computing concepts to be modeled.

A brief explanation of how the game functions, if you created it.

A brief explanation of the original game on which you have based your assignment, if the game already exists.

A brief explanation of how the game was integrated with the concepts of computing if the game already exists.

Three scenarios of game play, including:

The setup of the game.

The desired outcome.

A sample game for each scenario.

Reference no: EM13757842

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