Reference no: EM13971771 , Length: word count:7500
Subject: Estimation of Robot arm parameters using multiple sensors'IMU, Accelerometers
Details: A Robot with two links, each link containing several sensors (three accelerometers and one IMU) based on Adriano micro controller for data fuse. The data was collected and filtered using Kalman filter. Robot parameter calculation using multiple accelerometer and IMU.
To overcome many of the limitations associated with conventional motion measurement techniques, researchers are increasingly using inertial sensors for tracking and analyzing Robot links. However, small and inexpensive inertial sensors suffer from a random bias drift that builds up over time. It impossible to accurately determine body position and orientation for more than a few seconds. To overcome the limitation a group of accelerometer used with IMU.
An electronic circuit was designed and implemented which consist of two links, each link containing several sensors (three accelerometers and one IMU) based on Adriano microcontroller for data fuse. The data was collected and filtered using Kalman filter (I can provide the data).
The main objective of the research is to develop an algorithm (mathematical model to directly and continuously estimate Robot arm joint angles in real-time. obtain rotational matrix of the data then measuring joint parameters (joint angle, angular velocities and angular acceleration).
Any software can be used (your choice) for data analysis and graphs.
Circuit designed
2 links Each link : Three accelerometers + one 9DOF IMU (accelerometer+ gyroscope+ magnetometer).
Data collected and filtered
Can be used in robot arm or human body
Requirements: 12 pages with resources dead line 30 days
Designing a model to estimate parameter of robot based on the design. (The group of accelerometer can be used with magnetometer in a paper or with gyro in another paper or all sensors together). The papers could be theoretical (math) model and the data can be used in other papers).
(2) Literature review 32 pages deadline 3 weeks with MLA 40+ sources
Words : 7500 Words.
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