Reference no: EM132217307
Question 1. The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (1986) outlines a socio ecological model of health underscoring the need for multi-level health promotion strategies and approaches. Discuss the implications of this model for health promotion interventions. Illustrate your answer with examples.
Question 2. Consider the advances that have been made over the last 25 years in establishing an evidence base on the effectiveness of health promotion. Critically discuss the main challenges that arise in translating this evidence into health promotion practice.
Question 3. Describe and discuss health literacy and how it has the potential to promote health
Question 4. The actions areas in the Ottawa Charter " are interdependent, but healthy public policy establishes the environment that makes the other four possible" (WHO, 1998). Explain what this means and support your answer with examples.
Question 5. "There is nothing a government hates more than to be well-informed; for it makes the process of arriving at decisions much more complicated and difficult" (attributed to Keynes, cited in Fafard, 2008). Discuss this quotation in the context of the role of research in the policy making process.
Question 6. Identify and critically examine the key challenges for Health Promotion in strengthening communities.