MOD002692 Secure Systems Assignment

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Reference no: EM132505015

MOD002692 Secure Systems - Anglia Ruskin University

Case Study - Assignment

Macmillan Games is a medium-sized toy company located in the UK. The company develops online multiplatform games that can be purchased anywhere around the world and has a reputation for producing top quality games for children aged 7 to 11. The company is a major employer in the area, providing jobs for over 1000 employees.

Assessment Description

Throughout the semester you will learn different security concepts as well as their relevance to businesses within real life scenarios. The assessment will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of the concepts reviewed in class by applying them to a case study and writing and individual report that should not exceed 2500 words

Analyse and evaluate the need for security management in information systems and the tools and techniques used to minimise the threat of attack. This analysis must be done in terms of the tools and techniques reviewed in class and in relation to the case study.

Discuss the motives, origins and techniques used by attackers of network based information systems and evaluate the role of cryptography in securing data transfer between systems. Within the case study, you must identify the possible motives, origins and techniques used by the attackers that allowed them to make the attack successful.

Research, critically evaluate and document solutions to known weaknesses in information security together with appropriate countermeasures and legal and ethical strategies. This should be done in context of the case study. Systematically investigate and discriminate between effective tools for maintaining system security and construct a strategy for deployment. Also in terms of the case study.

Introduction, a brief description of the contents of the document, scenario, etc.
Body of the document, all the elements described above (1-4). You can organise them as you want. Conclusions, a summary of what the document was about and the lessons learned.

References, a list of all the sources used. Intended learning outcomes for the assessment
Analyse and evaluate the need for security management in information systems and the tools and techniques used to minimise the threat of attack.

Discuss the motives, origins and techniques used by attackers of network based information systems and evaluate the role of cryptography in securing data transfer between systems.

Research, critically evaluate and document solutions to known weaknesses in information security together with appropriate countermeasures and legal and ethical strategies.

Systematically investigate and discriminate between effective tools for maintaining system security and construct a strategy for deployment.

Other skills and competencies:

The report must be written in your own words, except where referenced quotations are used, and be written in a style that makes the topic accessible to staff who are not security specialists, but who do have a good grasp of computing and networking. You will learn to critically analyse online material and to summarise it in a technical document.

Attachment:- Assessment Description.rar

Reference no: EM132505015

Questions Cloud

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Globalization is the process of the world becoming : Globalization is the process of the world becoming more connected. Like any process that involves economic choices, it has positive and negative consequences.
Illustrate with the use of ad-as diagram an inflationary gap : Illustrate with the use of AD/AS diagram an inflationary gap. Explain and illustrate on the diagram how the inflationary gap can be eliminated.
Calculate select financial ratios for the fiscal year two : Interpret what each of these financial ratios means in terms of TRI's financial stability and operating efficiency. Calculate the select financial ratios
MOD002692 Secure Systems Assignment : MOD002692 Secure Systems Assignment Help and Solution, Anglia Ruskin University - Assessment Writing Service - Macmillan Games is a medium-sized toy company
Explain why do businesses care about gdp : Explain why do businesses care about GDP to such an extent that they want early estimates?
What the inventory of surgical supplies would be valued : In applying the lower of cost or market rule, the inventory of surgical supplies would be valued at.Data related to the inventories of Kimzey Medical Supply
What price would you set on each continent to maximize : a) If you are allowed to engage in third-degree price discrimination, what price would you set on each continent to maximize profit?
Discuss the positive and normative economic issues presented : An important issue raised after the financial meltdown in 2008 and the resulting recession has been how to deal with the recession. The economic stimulus


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